Page 6 - Jones Red Angus Bull Sale – March 8, 2025
P. 6


        Bulls                                                                                   Jones

                                            Lot 1

                  JONES ROYAL FLUSH M411
              1   Birth Date: 2/19/24  Category: 1A 100%  Reg. #4993863
                  BW   BWR   Act. WW   WWR   ADG   Dam’s Age   MPPA
                  74    ET    807     ET    4.0     8    102           Full sister to Lots 1 & 2 that sold to A&R Red Angus

                                        RED U2 KNOCKIN’ BOOTS 368G
                    RED U2Q BOSS HOG 2161K                     What a bull to start the sale with! M411 hit the ground running and never
                                        RED U2Q MAY 15H
         ProS   HB   GM                 RED RRAR DETOUR 6Z     looked back, being born at 74lbs. and weaning at 807lbs. He is wide topped,
          75  48  27  FREYS MISSIE 522D                        wide based and dripping with natural muscle and a huge scrotal. He is the best
          87%  59%   92%                FREYS MISSIE 533W      bull we have raised to date. Coming from the 522D donor cow that has done
          CED  BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT  great for us! She is always one of the first to calve even after being flushed
          13  -1.1  58   88  0.19  0.76  29  4  12  9  14  0.32  0.19  19 -0.17  0.04  between pregnancies. Sired by U2Q Boss Hog 2161K who is now deceased
          49%  63%   79%   82%  82%   54%  21%  52%  41%  19%  65%   78%   96%  67%  95%  84%
                                                               with very limited semen, this bull is an easy option to move forward. We will
                                                               use this bull back in our program. Selling full possession and 50% semen.

                                                                         JONES ACES M409
                                                                     2   Birth Date: 2/15/24  Category: 1A 100%  Reg. #4993865

                                                                         BW   BWR    Act. WW   WWR   ADG   Dam’s Age   MPPA
                                                                         77    ET    714     ET    5.0     8     102
                                                                                                RED U2 KNOCKIN’ BOOTS 368G
                                                                           RED U2Q BOSS HOG 2161K
                                                                                                RED U2Q MAY 15H
                                                                ProS   HB   GM                  RED RRAR DETOUR 6Z
                                                                 75  48  27  FREYS MISSIE 522D
                                                                 87%  59%   92%                 FREYS MISSIE 533W
                                                                 CED  BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 13  -1.1  58   88  0.19  0.76  29  4  12  9  14  0.32  0.19  19 -0.17  0.04
                                                                 49%  63%   79%   82%  82%   54%  21%  52%  41%  19%  65%   78%   96%  67%  95%  84%
                                                               A full brother to lot 1. The consistency is there in this flush. This
                                                               bull is another great option to move forward with the Boss Hog
                                                               genetics. M409 had a 77lb. birthweight and a 714lb. weaning
                                                               weight! This mating worked well! M409 stands on a super foot with tremen-
                                 Lot 2                         dous natural muscling.

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