Page 17 - Katus Ranch Angus Bull Sale – March 9, 2025
P. 17

                                                  SAV Rise N Shine 2709
                                                               e 2709
                                                        e N Sh
                                                    V Ri
                                                                Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:
                                                               627854404  2/22/24  103   844   772   100   1410   100   5-99
                                                                    S A V RISE N SHINE 2709  S A V RENOVATION 6822
                                                                                          S A V EMBLYNETTE 2369
                                                                    S A V MADAME PRIDE 5802  S A V HESSTON 2217
                                                                                          S A V MADAME PRIDE 0075
                                                              CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
                                                               -1  65  115  1.12  7.8  20          0.41    108

                                                             4221 is our first offering from the high selling Rise N Shine at the SAV sale. He
                                                             sure sired a good one here. Big hipped, long spined and neck extension with
                                                L o t 39     a great Angus character head. This guy will flat out get it done. He weaned at
                                                Lot 39
                                                             844lbs. while coming out of his recip dam 10 days overdue which affected his
                                                             BW a little bit. I would not be afraid to use him in any setting. He is good. We are
                                                             waiting for his 50K to come back and it will be updated by sale time.
          40 40  KATUS RISENSHINE SCHARM 4371                  41 41  KATUS RISENSHINE IMTN 4203

           Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:     Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:
         21152045  2/26/24                             -       21118079  2/17/24  96   750   678   100   1352   100   7-104
               S A V RISE N SHINE 2709  S A V RENOVATION 6822       S A V RISE N SHINE 2709  S A V RENOVATION 6822
                                                                                          S A V EMBLYNETTE 2369
                                     S A V EMBLYNETTE 2369
                                     PCAR MISSY 6371                                      S A V EMBLYNETTE 3301
         CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F     CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
          -1  68  122         28                  54           6   50   93  0.57  9.2   30   19    38  0.55  0.23  53   84
          95%  50%  45%       35%                 70%          55%  90%  90%  75%  85%  25%  55%  85%  70%  95%  75%  70%
        4371 weighed 79 pounds at birth and weaned at 778lbs. He is waiting for the 50K   Another good Rise N Shine bull calf out of the good donor cow SAV Emblynette
        to get back, but it will be updated for sale time. His Southern Charm dam crossed   2545. This mating blends Bando 5175 with Renown 3439. 4203 weaned off at
        well with Rise N Shine, making a fancy, good haired, stout bull calf. He sure   750lbs. and kept gaining to 1352lbs. at 365 days. These Rise N Shines put it all
        carries that true Angus head with pride.             together in a cowman kind of package.
                                                               42 42  KATUS RISENSHINE CHARM 47588

                                                                Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:
                                                               21122238  2/26/24  86  716  698  96  1388  100  2-105
                                                                    S A V RISE N SHINE 2709  S A V RENOVATION 6822
                                                                                          S A V EMBLYNETTE 2369

                                                                    KATUS B EMBLYNETTE 17588  BUBS SOUTHERN CHARM AA31
                                                                                          KR EMBLYNETTE 7588
                                                               CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
                                                               4   69  117  1.46  5.9   25   20    43  0.71  0.53  62   78
                                                               70%  45%  55%  20%  95%  55%  50%  80%  50%  70%  50%  80%
                                                             47588 is one of Braydon’s cows that stems from the SAV Emblynette 3588 cow
                                                             that has carried the load for his registered herd. He will never let a female go
                                                Lot 42
                                                L o t 42     out of her and really wants to flush her before it’s too late. The dam to 47588
                                                             had the top Badlands son in last years sale selling at the top of the sale. She is
                                                             consistently getting it done just like her mother. Genetics sure do pay off.
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