Page 15 - Katus Ranch Angus Bull Sale – March 9, 2025
P. 15

Myers Fair-N-Square M39
                                                My e r s Fa i r-N-S q u a r e M39
         33 33  KATUS FAIRNSQUARE THUN 4174                    34 34  KATUS FAIRNSQUARE OTL 401

           Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:     Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:
         21119113  2/22/24  86  854  801  106  1303  99  4-99  21125137  3/2/24  94  784  748  104         2-96
                                                                                          MYERS MISS BEAUTY M136
                                     MYERS MISS BEAUTY M136
               PCAR MISSY 4174       PINE CREEK THUNDER 1331        KR PRIDE 0101         MAR OUTLYER 315-806
                                     PCAR MISSY 333
                                                                                          KR PRIDE 4101
         CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F    CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
          11   64  114  0.12  15.1  34   17    45  0.60  0.83  74   81    -2   77  128  1.14  8.0   20   16    50  0.28  0.83  63   94
          15%  60%  60%  95%  25%  10%  65%  75%  65%  35%  20%  75%  95%  25%  35%  35%  90%  90%  70%  60%  90%  35%  50%  50%
        Calving ease and growth make up this Fair N Square calf. He weaned at 854lbs. actual   Fair N Square just keeps getting it done. Another well put together bull calf that
        and 801lbs. adjusted. +34 Milk and high docility make him primed for making great   adds Maher Innovation and Final Answer in his pedigree. Power and female
        females. In the same mold as lot 32, he puts it all together in an attractive package.  making ability. Don’t pass on these Fair N Squares.
         35 35  KATUS FAIRNSQUARE UP 44189                     36 36  KATUS FAIRNSQUARE FA 4101

           Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:     Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:
          21119112  2/22/24  89   794   747   99         3-103  21119111  2/21/24  73  780  731  96  1168  88  3-100
                                     MYERS MISS BEAUTY M136
                                                                                          MYERS MISS BEAUTY M136
               PCAR LADY 4189        PINE CREEK UPWARD 0017         KR PRIDE 4101         LT FINAL ANSWER 8803 OF EA
                                     PCAR LADY 0267                                       PCAR PRIDE 2101
         CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F    CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
          1   77  128  -0.05  12.8  24  19  52  0.94  0.67  73  94    8   81  132  1.26  14.8  23   24    49  0.53  0.64  78   83
          90%  25%  35%  95%  50%  65%  55%  55%  30%  55%  25%  50%  35%  15%  30%  30%  25%  70%  30%  65%  70%  55%  15%  70%
        I sound like a broken record, but these Fair N Squares are the real deal. 44189   Calving ease and growth again with this lot 36.  4101 comes from a long time Pine
        tried hard to break 800 pounds at 794 at weaning. Just a good, attractive, long   Creek Angus cow that has done a whale of a job for us throughout the years. 4101
        spined, good headed bull calf.                       came easy and packed on the pounds over the summer. How can you not like him.
                                                               32 32  KATUS B FAIRNSQUARE 4588

                                                                Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:
                                                              21119110  2/27/24  92  872  821  108        2-106
                                                                    MYERS FAIR-N-SQUARE M39  WOODHILL BLUEPRINT
                                                                                          MYERS MISS BEAUTY M136
                                                                    KR EMBLYNETTE 0588    HA COWBOY UP 5405
                                                                                          S A V EMBLYNETTE 3588
                                                              CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
                                                               4   71  120  0.58  13.5  24   26    38  1.02  0.29  75   76
                                                               70%  40%  50%  75%  40%  65%  20%  85%  25%  95%  20%  80%
                                                             4588 comes to you from our first matings from Meyers Fair N Square M39. We
                                                             used M39 to produce some great females and he hasn’t disappointed, but he also
                                                L o t 32     made great bull calves. The 0588 cow goes back to the first cow Braydon ever
                                                Lot 32
                                                             bought from Kelly Schaff, SAV Emblynette 3588. She has been a top cow every
                                                             year and her daughters are exactly the same. This fancy made bull will transmit
                                                             his stoutness into a set of steers but also make those to die for heifer calves.
                                                             Don’t overlook these Fair N Squares – they are good.
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