Page 10 - Milk Creek Reds Annual Red Angus Bull Sale – March 15, 2025
P. 10

                 ling Bul
        Yearling Bulls
                                                                           1      MLK CRK WRANGLER 4221
                                                                        REG. # 4976105  TATTOO: 4221 BTK  BD: 2/12/24  100% 1A
                                                                          5L GAME ON 703-50C  [ 5L DEFENDER 560-30Z  BW/Ratio  82  102
                                                                   5L WRANGLER 1974-166E  5L RUBY 51-703  WW/Ratio 654 105
                                                                          5L SUNBURST 6120-1974  [ 5L BLAZIN KIND 189-228Y  YW/Ratio 1163 106
                                                                                         5L SUNBURST 2705-6120
                                                                                                        ADG/Ratio 3.17 107
                                                                          BECKTON DOMINOR A038 J7  [ BECKTON DOMINOR Y052 N6  %IMF/Ratio 2.71 114
                                                                   MLK CRK EMUMAR 566    BECKTON TARA Y111 J  REA/Ratio 11.2 90
                                                                          MLK CRK EMUMAR 2301  [ RIDGE TRADESMAN 6237-0002  Fat/Ratio 0.25 97
                                                                ProS   HB   GM           MLK CRK EMUMAR 638
                                                                106  61  45                             Dam’s   99  9
                                                                47%  34%  63%
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST   MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                12  -0.8  70  114  0.28  0.57  16  4  15  5  16  0.31  0.15  25  -0.03  0.03
                                                                69%  70%  32%  28%  26%  31%  99%  48%  10%  89%  28%  79%  88%  42%  80%  74%
                                                               We are starting the sale off with an attractive, well balanced Wrangler son that is backed by
                  Lot 1 • MLK CRK WRANGLER 4221                a 10-year-old Dominor daughter with generations of maternal longevity in her pedigree.
                                                               4221 started off with a moderate birth weight and rose above the average of his contempo-
        raries posting 105 weaning and 106 yearling ratios. Our Dominor daughters have been consistent producers with very good feet and udders which has allowed them to reach 7-10 years of
        age without missing a beat.
                                                                           2      MLK CRK FUSION 4201

                                                                        REG. # 4976001  TATTOO: 4201 BTK  BD: 2/27/24  100% 1A
                                                                          ANDRAS FUSION R236  [ ANDRAS IN FOCUS B175  BW/Ratio  80  100
                                                                   MLK CRK FUSION 5202   ANDRAS BELLE B167  WW/Ratio 760 122
                                                                          MLK CRK SHEBA 900  [ 5L GRAND EXPRESS 453-5655  YW/Ratio 1305 119
                                                                                         MLK CRK SHEBA 403
                                                                                                        ADG/Ratio 3.40 115
                                                                          RED MINBURN COPENHAGEN 3Y [ RED RMJ REDMAN 1T  %IMF/Ratio 2.29 97
                                                                   MLK CRK LAKINA 015    MINBURN MAY 112M  REA/Ratio 13.4 108
                                                                          MLK CRK LAKINA 342  [ RIDGE TRADESMAN 6237-0002  Fat/Ratio 0.21 83
                                                                ProS   HB   GM           MLK CRK LAKINA 818
                                                                143  96  48                             Dam’s   107  4
                                                                 7%   2%  56%
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST   MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                12  -0.6  71  116  0.28  1.03  30  7  16  10  19  0.36  0.08  28  0.06  0.01
                                                                66%  74%  28%  25%  23%  81%  15%  68%  5%  9%  6%  71%  58%  31%  63%  31%
                                                               When we are looking for maternal genetics there are certain sires that we have used over the
                    Lot 2 • MLK CRK FUSION 4201                years that produced the type of cow that worked very well in our enviroment. Lot 2 stacks
                                                               those sires 2 -3 generations deep on both sides of the pedigree. He doesn’t stop with just a
        good pedigree, he has a moderate birth weight while posting the top weaning and yearling weights within the bulls offered. He also has a balanced set of EPDs and Indicies while display-
        ing an attractive phenotype. Lot 2 covers all the bases.
                                                                           3      MLK CRK BODY BUILDER 4205

                                                                        REG. # 4976073  TATTOO: 4205 BTK  BD: 2/9/24  100% 1A
                                                                          5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B  [ 5L DEFENDER 560-30Z  BW/Ratio  95  117
                                                                   5L BODY BUILDER 4434-68D  5L OPAL 656-2218  WW/Ratio 685 110
                                                                          5L RED BIRD 411-4434  [ 5L CRAFTSMAN 1134-150X  YW/Ratio 1179 108
                                                                                         5L RED BIRD 1312-411
                                                                                                        ADG/Ratio 3.08 104
                                                                          5L VIGILANTE 2674-11D  [ 5L BOURNE 117-48A  %IMF/Ratio 2.58 109
                                                                   MLK CRK THELMA 905    5L OPAL 930-2674  REA/Ratio 12.4 99
                                                                          MLK CRK THELMA 946  [ RIDGE OSCAR 625  Fat/Ratio 0.38 147
                                                                ProS   HB   GM           MLK CRK THELMA 733
                                                                99  44  55                              Dam’s   106  5
                                                                57%  68%  38%
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST   MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 9  -0.6  70  108  0.24  1.05  27  5  8  3  17  0.61  0.01  22  0.32  0.02
                                                                89%  74%  32%  40%  52%  83%  39%  57%  98%  98%  16%  18%  22%  58%  19%  63%
                                                               Lot 3 is a moderate framed bull with a soft made, soggy profile. He fits the Body Builder
                Lot 3 • MLK CRK BODY BUILDER 4205              profile and has performed very well at weaning and yearling measurements. His 6-year-old
                                                               5L Vigilante dam has proven herself with a 106 MPPA.

        8 – Milk Creek Reds Bull Sale                                     Catalog and video online at
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