Page 5 - Milk Creek Reds Annual Red Angus Bull Sale – March 15, 2025
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                                                                                      Reference Sires
                                                                           A      RIDGE ADMIRAL 3411
                                                                        REG. # 1589182  TATTOO: 3411 OTT  BD: 2/5/13  100% 1A
                                                                          5L LAKOTA LEGEND 7074  [ O C C LEGEND 616L  BW/Ratio  77  105
                                                                   5L LEGEND 1553-425V   BASIN LAKOTA C999  WW/Ratio 675 112
                                                                          5L HAZEL 45L-1553  [ 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291  YW/Ratio 1217 111
                                                                                         LA TRAVLIN 124 HAZEL 45
                                                                                                        ADG/Ratio 3.38 109
                                                                          MLK CRK EXPRESS 9127  [ 5L GRAND EXPRESS 453-5655  %IMF/Ratio 4.60 104
                                                                   RIDGE GRANDIOSE 629-1112  MLK CRK SHEBA 043  REA/Ratio 12.8 103
                                                                          RIDGE GRANDIOSE 435-629  [ HOLDEN HI HO 753  Fat/Ratio 0.53 130
                                                                ProS   HB   GM           PANHANDLE GRANDIOSE 435
                                                                157  78  80                             Dam’s   105  2
                                                                 5%   13%  12%
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST   MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                14  -1.9  54  102  0.30  1.09  25  3  22  4  17  0.42  0.25  51  0.29  0.07
                                                                41%  46%  87%  59%  22%  79%  60%  42%  1%  85%  20%  50%  97%  4%  23%  98%
                        RIDGE ADMIRAL 3411                     We continue to use Ridge Admiral in our AI sire lineup because of how his progeny perform in our
                                                               environment. The bulls have been well received by our commercial as well as registered customers and
        the oldest females are now 10 years old and bringing in good calves while functioning very well in our enviroment. You will see some of his daughters bringing bulls to this offering. This will be the last large group
        of natural born sons that we will be offering. We are down to a limited supply of semen and will be using Admiral selectively on certain cows and in our ET program. While this bull does well on all the indicies,
        when you study the numbers, his growth EPDs that are not what some people would say are ideal, yet it is where we like them to be for the female to fit our enviroment. Owned with Sandbur Ridge Red Angus.
                                                                           B      MLK CRK FUSION 5202

                                                                        REG. # 3468393  TATTOO: 5202 BTK  BD: 2/12/15  100% 1A
                                                                          ANDRAS IN FOCUS B175  [ MYTTY IN FOCUS  BW/Ratio  82  93
                                                                   ANDRAS FUSION R236    DI ESTONIA 316  WW/Ratio 687 102
                                                                          ANDRAS BELLE B167  [ ANDRAS THUNDER B105  YW/Ratio 1143 104
                                                                                         ANDRAS BELLE 416
                                                                                                        ADG/Ratio 2.85 109
                                                                          5L GRAND EXPRESS 453-5655 [ 5L NORSEMAN EXPRESS  %IMF/Ratio 3.44 121
                                                                   MLK CRK SHEBA 900     5L RUBY 01-453  REA/Ratio 14.3 114
                                                                          MLK CRK SHEBA 403  [ GLACIER CHATEAU 744  Fat/Ratio 0.14 60
                                                                ProS   HB   GM           MLK CRK SHEBA 055
                                                                159  84  74                             Dam’s   98  6
                                                                 5%   8%  16%
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST   MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                14  -2.9  48  86  0.24  0.58  27  4  15  11  18  0.71  0.02  13  0.02  0.00
                                                                40%  30%  94%  85%  58%  34%  38%  49%  15%  4%  16%  13%  26%  80%  66%  22%
                       MLK CRK FUSION 5202                     Fusion 5202 is a bull that the Lelands selected out of our 2016 sale. He has been a good
                                                               calving ease bull for them and has provided both bulls and heifers that have been well
        received by their customers. After calving four sets of heifers that were bred to him, we have been pleased with the calving ease, but the nugget in these genetics are going to be the females
        that he produces. He has numbers that are very attractive to the industry, minus his growth EPDs. His growth numbers; however, will allow his daughters to thrive on less inputs which
        equates to a better profit margin for the cow/calf producer. Owned with Leland Red Angus.
                                                                           C      RED U2 MONEY TALKS 530F

                                                                        REG. # 4085940  TATTOO: 530F DUA  BD: 2/17/18  100% 1A
                                                                          RED U-2 RECON 192Y  [ RED BRYLOR WEST JET 69W  BW/Ratio  78
                                                                   RED U-2 RECKONING 149A  RED U-2 LARKABA 8133U  WW/Ratio 734
                                                                          RED U-2 ANEXA 271Y  [ RED HOWE MAGNUM 169W  YW/Ratio 1328
                                                                                         RED U-2 ANEXA 333N
                                                                                                        ADG/Ratio 3.71
                                                                          RED MINBURN COPENHAGEN 3Y [ RED RMJ REDMAN 1T  %IMF/Ratio 0.00  0
                                                                   RED U-2 MS DYNAMO 233B  MINBURN MAY 112M  REA/Ratio 0.0  0
                                                                          RED U-2 MS DYNAMO 234Z  [ RED U2 MISSION 61W  Fat/Ratio 0.00  0
                                                                ProS   HB   GM           RED FLYING K MS DYNAMO 73U
                                                                110  61  48                             Dam’s   0  4
                                                                39%  33%  52%
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST   MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                15  -3.5  51  81  0.19  0.46  31  -12  10  9  14  0.45  0.09  18  0.09  0.04
                                                                24%  21%  91%  90%  85%  23%  14%  5%  77%  19%  58%  45%  59%  68%  53%  77%
                     RED U2 MONEY TALKS 530F                   After three trips to Canada studying the cow herd at U2, we came to the conclusion that we
                                                               needed to sample a pedigree that worked multiple times in their program. After studying the
        bull calves in the fall as well as at their 2019 bull sale, and studying the cows both in the spring and fall, we selected Money Talks. We used Money Talks (530F) on both heifers and cows
        AI and then turned him in with 50 plus head of first calf heifers for natural service and had only three opens. He has now recorded 341 progeny in five calving seasons and we are very
        pleased in the balance of birth, performance, carcass and phenotype. We are calving his fourth set of daughters and they are displaying excellent udders and feet while being good mothers.
        Catalog and video online at                                    Milk Creek Reds Bull Sale – 3
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