Page 5 - Loonan Stock Farm
P. 5

Care and Management of Yearling Bulls

        We occasionally receive questions regarding the prop-   4.   Following the 60-day breeding season, proper
        er care and management of yearling bulls. The follow-       nutrition can pay big dividends in future devel-
        ing suggestions came from other seedstock producers         opment and usefulness of the young bull. This is
        and extension beef specialists:                             a very critical age as they start losing their teeth
                                                                    at 18-24 months of age and cannot utilize rough-
        1.   Yearling bulls coming off test need to be in good
             condition in order to withstand the expected           age as well as with permanent teeth. Research
             100-300 lbs. weight loss during breeding season.       indicates that a bull’s usefulness as a two-year-
                                                                    old can be retarded if not properly reconditioned
             Between the test period and start of breeding
                                                                    after use as a yearling. Feeding 10-15 lbs. of
             season, 8-13 lbs. of grain plus good quality hay
                                                                    grain (depending on condition) until the bull is
             or pasture is suggested.
                                                                    two years old, will help recover the lost weight
        2.   During breeding season, young bulls are still          and provide the nutrition needed for continued
             growing in addition to their breeding duties. Se-      growth.
             men production takes 60 days and poor pasture
                                                                5.   Annual deworming and treating for lice when
             or inadequate nutrition can severely affect libido,
                                                                    needed helps reduce stress and improves feed
             semen quality and quantity.
                                                                    ef ciency.
        3.   A maximum 60-day breeding season is suggested
             for yearling bulls, or rotation, to allow them time   These guidelines were developed by beef specialist to
             to rest.                                           help maximize the bene ts of superior genetics.

                                      Sale Terms & Conditions

        Health                                                 Selling Procedure
           Bulls and heifers were vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian as   Cattle are ready for inspection now. All are affordably priced in
           calves, including BovaShield Gold 5 (IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSV) One   the catalog. Please register as you arrive Feb. 4. Sale order will be
           Shot (Pasteurella, 7-Way, Blackleg and Haemophilus), Inforce 3   determined by the buyer in order of registration. If your selection
           intransal (IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSV, poured for grubs and lice, and   is called to the ring prior to your buyer number being called, you
           dewormed with an oral wormer and Ivomec. The bulls received a   will have the privilege of raising the bid. Normally, some bulls
           booster C&D toxoid shot in November and the heifers were calf-  sell at the listed price and some bring more if several buyers are
           hood vaccinated for brucellosis.                       interested in the same animal, but every buyer has an equal op-
        Registration                                              portunity to buy the bull of their choice.
                                                                  If you cannot attend February 4th, we can make arrangements
           On registered females, please give your name, address and as-  to have someone represent you on a least-cost basis. Satisfaction
           sociation number to the clerk and the seller will transfer at no cost   guaranteed.
           to the buyer. Unregistered females were priced without papers
           to keep the cost down for the buyer. If registration is desired on   Guarantee
           unregistered animals that are eligible for registry, seller will handle   All cattle carry the standard breeding guarantee of the respective
           the paper work with the buyer to pay $20 per head. On bulls, seller   breed association. Bulls will be semen evaluated with a certi cate
           will pay this cost if you desire registration papers. Please notify the   furnished. Bulls will be wintered on a high roughage test ration,
           clerk.                                                 semen tested and ultrasound scanned in March. You may pick up
        Sale Procedure                                            your bulls beginning April 1 or Loonans will deliver when in your
                                                                  area. Most deliveries are made April 1 to May 10. Please contact
           •  All cattle are priced in the catalog at affordable prices.
                                                                  Loonans on cost of deliveries over 300 miles.
           •  No cattle are sold or reserved prior to 1 p.m.,
             Saturday, February 4, 2017.                       Motels
        Sale Order                                                Corning, IA

                                                                       LaConnE Motel .............................. 641-322-4003
           Bulls will sell  rst, starting promptly at 1 p.m., February 4, 2017.      (Very clean and reasonable)
           None are sold or reserved ahead of time. We plan a 15-minute   Creston, IA (25 mi. east)
           break following the opening round of the bull sale to allow buyers      Super 8 ............................................ 641-782-6541
           who need additional bulls to make their selections.    Red Oak, IA  (30 mi. west)
           Heifers will sell following the break at approximately 3 p.m. and      Super 8 ............................................ 712-623-6919
           will be sold under the same procedures as the bulls. If you have   Adair, IA (36 mi. north)
           any questions, give Judy or Rick a call.                    Jesse James Super 8 ....................... 641-742-5251
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