Page 9 - Hunt's Brangus Bull Sale
P. 9

2017 Professional Cattlemen’s Bull Sale – Cattle with Something EXTRA!

                                                                 12    H+ APALACHEE WARRIOR C082
                                                                       Reg. # R10311644  Birth Date: 1/13/16  Tattoo: C082
                                                                        CED  BW  WW   YW  Milk TM  CEM  SC  REA %IMF   FAT
                                                                        5.7  0.7 31   67 17   32 3.0  0.12  0.52  0.04  -0.034
                                                                        20% 45% 25%  15%  2%  4%  95% 85%  20%  35%  80%
                                                                   Act    205-Day  Test        365-Day Yearling
                                                                  BW    Wt   Ratio  ADG  WDA  Ratio  Wt  Ratio  FS  SC
                                                                  70    568  101  3.23  2.99  102 1072 100  6.5 34.8
                                                                Curve Bender Index     Carcass Ultrasound Scans
                                                                CBI            REA   Ratio   %IMF   Ratio   Fat   Ratio
                                                                 110           13.5   104   3.68   108   0.300  114
                                                                Sire:  H+ MOHICAN WARRIOR Z213  Base Price  $2,500
                                                                MGS: HANNIBAL OF BRINKS 784T6  •  8 traits in top 45% or better in breed!
                                                                                           •  He does it all; stands with older peers!
                                                                MGGS: SR WRANGLER WARRIOR T113  •  He performed across all traits while on test,
                                                                GGGS: SVF TOMBSTONE        •  Growth, carcass quality & maternal traits!
                                                                          Dam’s Progeny Record       Progeny Ultrasound
                                                                 Dam   Age  # Prog  Act BW  BW-R  WW-R  YW-R   REA   %IMF   Fat
                                                                Z220   3   2    71   92   101   100   12.3   3.80  0.270
                               Lot 12

         13    H+ IROQUOIS WARRIOR C069                          14    H+ IROQUOIS WARRIOR C032
                Reg. # R10307282  Birth Date: 12/9/15  Tattoo: C069    Reg. # R10307274  Birth Date: 11/5/15  Tattoo: C032
                                    EPDs                                                   EPDs
                 CED  BW  WW   YW  Milk TM  CEM  SC  REA %IMF   FAT     CED  BW  WW   YW  Milk TM  CEM  SC  REA %IMF   FAT
                 4.1  0.5 35   67 15   33 1.6  -0.03  0.45  -0.06  -0.043   6.2  -1.0  25   50  13   26  2.5  0.82  0.27  -0.05  -0.050
                 50% 40% 15%  15%  5%  4% >95% 95%  30%  80%  45%       15% 10% 50%  40% 15%  25% >95% 20%  65%  80%  15%
           Act    205-Day  Test         365-Day Yearling           Act    205-Day  Test        365-Day Yearling
          BW     Wt  Ratio  ADG  WDA  Ratio  Wt  Ratio  FS  SC    BW    Wt   Ratio  ADG  WDA  Ratio  Wt  Ratio  FS  SC
           76   586   104   2.89   2.76   93 1022 96   5.8  34.0  66    507   90  3.11  2.55  86  990  93   5.3 38.1
         Curve Bender Index     Carcass Ultrasound Scans        Curve Bender Index     Carcass Ultrasound Scans
         CBI            REA   Ratio   %IMF   Ratio   Fat   Ratio   CBI         REA   Ratio   %IMF   Ratio   Fat   Ratio
          110          12.8    99   1.93    73   0.210   86      109           11.6   90    2.57   98    0.180  74
         Sire:  SR WRANGLER WARRIOR T113  Base Price  $2,500    Sire:  SR WRANGLER WARRIOR T113  Base Price  $2,500
         MGS: TCB CATAWBA WARRIOR R532  •  7 traits in top 45% or better in breed!   MGS: SR MOHICAN WARRIOR Y174  •  7 traits in top 40% or better in breed!
                                    •  He excels in growth and maternal traits             •  He combines calving ease and maternal
         MGGS: LEAD GUN OF BRINKS 222K14  while offering calving ease!  MGGS: MC ALLIANCE 000P3  traits with moderate growth!
         GGGS: BRINKS SUPER STAR 535F69                         GGGS: ACES TF WRANGLER 145/8
                   Dam’s Progeny Record       Progeny Ultrasound          Dam’s Progeny Record       Progeny Ultrasound
          Dam   Age  # Prog  Act BW  BW-R  WW-R  YW-R   REA   %IMF   Fat    Dam   Age  # Prog  Act BW  BW-R  WW-R  YW-R   REA   %IMF   Fat
         A375   2   1   76   104   104   96   12.8   1.93  0.210   A374   2   1   66   91   90   93   11.6   2.57  0.180

                                                                 15    H+ ARIKARA WARRIOR C055
                                                                       Reg. # R10307449  Birth Date: 11/26/15  Tattoo: C055
                                                                        CED  BW  WW   YW  Milk TM  CEM  SC  REA %IMF   FAT
                                                                        1.1  3.5 50   99 16   41 2.6  1.04  0.70  0.13  -0.032
                                                                        95% 95%  1%  1%  3%  1% >95% 10%  5%  15%  85%
                                                                   Act    205-Day  Test        365-Day Yearling
                                                                  BW    Wt   Ratio  ADG  WDA  Ratio  Wt  Ratio  FS  SC
                                                                  94    715  120  3.23  3.39  115 1256 114  7.9 40.7
                                                                Curve Bender Index     Carcass Ultrasound Scans
                                                                CBI            REA   Ratio   %IMF   Ratio   Fat   Ratio
                                                                 99            13.5   103   3.15   109   0.280  118
                                                                Sire:  SR APACHE WARRIOR A368  Base Price  $2,500
                                                                MGS: SR CADENCE WARRIOR H823  •  7 traits in top 15%; Top 1% in WW & YW!
                                                                                           •  Highest YW EPD in the Sale!
                                                                MGGS: ACES TF WRANGLER 145/8  •  Amazing growth and carcass merit
                                                                GGGS: CHALLENGER OF BRINKS  •  Top 5% REA and 15% IMF
                                                                          Dam’s Progeny Record       Progeny Ultrasound
                                                                 Dam   Age  # Prog  Act BW  BW-R  WW-R  YW-R   REA   %IMF   Fat
                                                                U848   8   7    83   103   106   107   13.2   3.18  0.190
                               Lot 15
                                           CED  BW  WW  YW  MILK  TM  CEM  SC  REA  FT  %IMF           Hunt’s Brangus – 7
                                      EPDS   3.8  1.0 24.4  45.4 9.3 21.5 3.8 0.46  0.34  -0.040  0.01
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14