Page 5 - Hunt's Brangus Bull Sale
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2017 Professional Cattlemen’s Bull Sale – Cattle with Something EXTRA!
                Bulls designated with the “Calving-ease Flag” are felt to be Low-
                Risk Bulls for calving diffi culty and are suitable for use on fi rst-calf   LOT  ANIMAL NAME   Ownership
                females.                                               Registration #   Birth Date   Tattoo    Brand
          1. Calving Ease Direct EPD – is expressed as a difference in percentage of     CED  BW  WW   YW  Milk TM  CEM  SC  REA %IMF   Fat
           unassisted births with a higher value indictating greater calving ease in   12  12  12  12  12  12  12  12  12  12  12
           fi rst-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease which a sire’s   Act  205-Day  Test  365-Day Yearling
           calves will be born when he is bred to fi rst-calf heifers.  BW  Wt  Ratio  ADG  WDA  Ratio  Wt  Ratio  FS  SC
          2. Birth weight EPD – predicts calf size and calving ease.  13  14  15   16    17   18   19  20   21  22
                                                                 Curve Bender Index     Carcass Ultrasound Scans
          3. Weaning weight EPD – predicts preweaning growth potential.   CBI      REA   Ratio   %IMF   Ratio   Fat   Ratio
          4. Yearling weight EPD – predicts overall growth potential and post-weaning   23  25  26  27  28  29  30
           gain.                                                Sire:  SIRE                  Base Price
          5. Milk EPD – predicts the maternal contribution a bull passes to his daugh-  MGS: MATERNAL GRANDSIRE
           ters for milk production and mothering ability.      MGGS: MATERNAL GREAT GRANDSIRE
          6. Total maternal EPD – predicts the overall weaning weight of calves from   GGGS: MAT. GREAT, GREAT GRANDSIRE  Comments
           daughters of a bull due to growth potential as well as milk production and      Dam’s Progeny Record   Dam’s Progeny Ultrasound
           mothering ability.                                    Dam   Age  # Prog  Act BW  BW-R  WW-R  YW-R   REA   %IMF   Fat
          7. Calving Ease Maternal – is expressed as a difference in percentage of un-  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40
           assisted births with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in fi rst-
           calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters
           will calve as fi rst-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires.   25. Ultrasound measurement of rib eye area, which is indicative of muscling
          8. Scrotal circumference EPD – predicts testicle size.  and positively correlated with retail beef .
          9. Ribeye area EPD – predicts muscling.               26. Ranking of individual adjusted 365-day rib eye area in relation to the aver-
                                                                  age adjusted rib eye area of the yearling contemporary group. The contem-
         10. Percent intramuscular fat EPD – predicts marbling and quality grade.  porary group has an average ratio of 100.
         11. Fat EPD – predicts external fat thickness and yield grade.   27. Ultrasound measurement of percent intramuscular fat or marbling in the
         12. To make it easier to evaluate EPDs, the percentile ranking is shown below   ribeye muscle which is a predictor of quality grade.
           each individual EPD. This is a great way to understand where the individ-   28. Ranking of individual adjusted 365-day percent intramuscular fat in rela-
           ual ranks in the breed for that particular EPD. For example, where it shows   tion to the average adjusted percent intramuscular fat of the yearling con-
           “10%,” this means that particular EPD value is in the highest, or TOP 10%,   temporary group. The contemporary group has an average ratio of 100.
           of all non-parent bulls in the entire breed. (A 10% for BW, however, means
           lowest, or lightest.)                                29. Ultrasound measurement of fat thickness at the 12th rib, which is a good
                                                                  indicator of yield grade.
         13. Actual birth weight within 24 hours of birth.      30. Ranking of individual adjusted fat thickness at the 12th rib in relation to the
         14. Weaning weight adjusted to 205 days of age and for age of dam.  average adjusted fat thickness at the 12th rib of the yearling contemporary
         15. Ranking of individual 205-day adjusted weaning weight in relation to aver-  group. The contemporary group has an average ratio of 100.
           age adjusted weaning weight of weaning contemporary group of this calf.    31. The tattoo or private herd number (PHN) of the dam of this calf.
           The contemporary group has an average ratio of 100.
         16. Average daily gain (pounds per day) during Hunt’s Brangus’ 140-day per-   32. Age of dam at time of birth of this calf.
           formance growth test.                                33. Number of calves born to dam
         17. Lifetime weight per day of age (actual weight divided by days of age) at the    34. Average actual birth weight of dam’s progeny.
           end of Hunt’s Brangus’ 140-day performance growth test.   35. Average birth weight ratio of dam’s progeny compared within contemporary
         18. Ranking of individual WDA in relation to average WDA of the entire test   groups.
           group, which has an average ratio of 100.           36. Average weaning weight ratio of dam’s progeny compared within contem-
         19. Yearling weight adjusted to 365 days of age and for age of dam.  porary groups.
        20.  Ranking of individual adjusted 365-day yearling weight in relation to the   37. Average yearling weight ratio of dam’s progeny compared within contem-
           average adjusted yearling weight of yearling contemporary group. The   porary groups.
           contemporary group has an average ratio of 100.       38. Average ultrasound ribeye area of dam’s bull calves.
        21. Yearling frame score adjusted to 365-days of age.  39. Average ultrasound % intermuscular fat of dam’s bull calves.
          22. Yearling scrotal circumference (testicle size measured in centimeters) ad-  40. Average ultrasound fat thickness of dam’s bull calves.
           justed to 365-days of age.
        23. Curve Bender Index (CBI). The CBI is an index which combines values for   NOTE: All ultrasound scans (25-30 and 38-40) are adjusted to 365 days of age.
           low birth weight EPD and high yearling weight EPD into one value. This
           Index has a highest achievable numeric value of 148 and goes down from   For your convenience,
           there. Bulls with a higher numeric value for CBI would be expected to   non-parent breed average EPDs are on each page.
           sire calves with lighter birth weights and yet heavier weaning and yearling
           weights.                                                   CED  BW  WW  YW  MILK  TM  CEM  SC  REA  FT  %IMF
                                                                 EPDS   3.8  1.0 24.4  45.4 9.3 21.5 3.8 0.46  0.34  -0.040  0.01

                                                                                                       Hunt’s Brangus – 3
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