Page 8 - Broken Heart Ranch 40th Production Sale Red Angus & Quarter Horses – March 7, 2018
P. 8

Reference Sires

                                                                         LSF RAB CATAPULT Y7004
                                                                  G G    Birthdate:  1/10/11  Reg. #:  1442209  Category:100% 1A

                                                                                             [  BECKTON NEBULA M045
                                                                    BECKTON NEBULA P P707      BECKTON LANA M809 EP
                                                                                             [  GLACIER LOGAN 210
                                                                    BROWN MS ABIGRACE L7730    LCHMN ABIGAIL E1013
                                                                 Birth Wt.   205-Day Wt.   365-Day Wt.
                                                                   76        576        999
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW  WW YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                139  49 9  -3.9  62  97  24  5 17  9 11  0.56  0.12  22  -0.57  -0.04
                                                                23% 60% 28% 24%  41% 41% 26% 82%  6%  11% 40%  30%  81%  50%  99%   4%
                                                               Catapult is a tremendously thick, stout made bull that is siring cattle with a ton of
                                                               depth and rib shape and capacity.  One of his daughters topped the North Dakota
                                                               Red Angus Assn sale in the past.  His females have really nice udders and also are
                                                               excellent mothers.  We have utilized him on both heifers and cows with no problems.

                    LSF RAB CATAPULT Y7004TAPULT Y7004
                    LSF RAB CA

                                                                         FEDDES COUGAR A210
                                                                 H H     Birthdate:  1/23/13  Reg. #:  1607816  Category:100% 1A

                                                                                             [  HXC CONQUEST 4405P
                                                                    FEDDES CONQUEST Y34        FEDDES BLOCKANA 429
                                                                                             [  5L HOBO DESIGN 273-7047
                                                                    FEDDES BLOCKANA Y29        FEDDES BLOCKANA 9240
                                                                 Birth Wt.   205-Day Wt.   365-Day Wt.
                                                                   74        807       1319
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW  WW YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                148 50  6  -1.0  72 115 27  2  20  6  12  0.25  0.04  37  0.18  0.00
                                                                18% 44% 50% 63%  18% 17% 13% 63%  1%  32% 27%  76%  56%  18%  43%  39%
                                                               Feddes Cougar is an excellent calving ease sire that was purchased from Feddes Red
                                                               Angus.  We have had numerous calves out of him and are very impressed with how
                                                               well he calves and how well his daughters perform in the maternity ward.

                       FEDDES COUGAR A210
                       FEDDES COUGAR A210

                  BHR COUGAR 5117
                                                                         BIEBER THUNDAR A489
           I I   Birthdate:  4/6/15  Reg. #:  3481581  Category:100% 1A  J J  Birthdate:  3/24/13  Reg. #:  1619759  Category:100% 1A

             FEDDES COUGAR A210       [  FEDDES CONQUEST Y34        LSF CYCLONE 9934W        [  HXC CONQUEST 4405P
                                       FEDDES BLOCKANA Y29
                                                                                               LSF GILDA S6107 U8084
                                      [  RED SSS DRIFTER 327W                                [  BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249
             MISS BHR DRIFTER 356      MISS BHR GOLDEN BOY 026      BIEBER GALEE 9513          BIEBER GALEE 7079
          Birth Wt.   205-Day Wt.   365-Day Wt.                  Birth Wt.   205-Day Wt.   365-Day Wt.
            86       883        1464                               84        753       1565
          HB  GM CED  BW  WW YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MB   YG   CW  REA   FAT    HB  GM CED  BW  WW YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
         123 51  0  1.6  83 126 23  -1  21  7   9  0.21  0.03  47  0.24  -0.01   139 52  7  2.8  69 110 20  7  13  -2  14  0.30  -0.09  40  0.28  -0.05
         29% 30% 89% 94%  1%  2%  19% 41%  1%  20% 55%  82%  55%  2%  22%  23%   24% 30% 41% 96%  22% 23% 46% 89% 35%  96% 14%  68%  19%  13%  31%   3%
        5117 is a powerfully built herd bull that is structurally correct.  We saved this bull to   Bieber Thundar’s calves are wide topped, and long made cattle.  He is siring a very
        add some performance.  This is his fi rst set of calves and we certainly like the depth   uniform set of calves that certainly will add some pounds and performance to your
        of body and muscle expression he is siring.            calf crop.  We are very pleased with how the Thundar calves perform and how his
                                                               daughters develop into brood cows.

        6 – Pederson’s Broken Heart Ranch
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