Page 6 - Broken Heart Ranch 40th Production Sale Red Angus & Quarter Horses – March 7, 2018
P. 6

Reference Sires

                                                                         BHR MOONSHINE 411
                                                                  A A    Birthdate:  3/28/14  Reg. #:  1700084  Category:100% 1A

                                                                                             [  RED CROWFOOT MOONSHINE 8081U
                                                                    RED SSS MOONSHINE 391Z     RED SSS BIRD 613X
                                                                                             [  BHR DURANGO 60
                                                                    MISS BHR DURANGO 95        MISS BHR GOLDEN BOY 7172
                                                                 Birth Wt.   205-Day Wt.   365-Day Wt.
                                                                   90        660       1318
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW  WW YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                126 54  -1  1.8  89 150  9  -2  11  7  11  0.47  0.24  62  -0.04  0.01
                                                                26% 7% 95%  94%  1%  1% 97% 34%  54%  22%  36%  32%  98%  1%  69%  65%
                                                               Moonshine 411 was our Lot 2 bull that was offered for choice against the lot one in
                                                               our 2015 sale.  We used him natural and AI.  He is a deep bodied bull that is really
                                                               throwing some powerful calves with some extra length and a straight topline.  We
                                                               will be calving out his fi rst set of daughters this spring and we certainly are counting
                                                               down the days until they calve.
                       BHR MOONSHINE 411
                       BHR MOONSHINE 411

                                                                         LSF SRR IMPECCABLE 3150A
                                                                 B B     Birthdate:  1/11/13  Reg. #:  1623898  Category:100% 1A

                                                                                             [  BECKTON EPIC R397 K
                                                                    LSF SAGA 1040Y             LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041
                                                                                             [  SUNR SLAM DUNK 436W
                                                                    LSF CRYSTAL W9231 Y1019    LSF CRYSTAL LA394 W9231
                                                                 Birth Wt.   205-Day Wt.   365-Day Wt.
                                                                   60        771       1228
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW  WW YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                164 52  10  -4.8  73 112 16  -7  18  7  12  0.64  0.09  30  0.41  0.06
                                                                10% 30% 24% 15%  15% 20% 71% 23%  4%  26% 23%  24%  71%  33%  20%  95%
                                                               We purchased Impeccable for his calving ease ability and we certainly are impressed
                                                               with how he calves but are really pleased with the added performance.  The calves
                                                               are deep, thick and stylish.  The consistency and uniformity are unbelievable.  Our
                                                               2017 sale they were well received and from the reports we have heard after breeding
                                                               season they certainly did their job well.
                   LSF SRR IMPECCABLE 3150A
                   LSF SRR IMPECCABLE 3150A

                                                                         RED WINDY HILL ZEPPELIN 1240
                                                                  C C    Birthdate:  2/19/12  Reg. #:  1641379  Category:100% 1A

                                                                                             [  RED MRLA ECONOMY 810
                                                                    RED MRLA 61X               RED MRLA MISS 580U
                                                                                             [  RED BAR-E-L NAPOLEON 4N
                                                                    RED WINDY HILL M NALPOEON 50  RED EGGEN GRAVITY 28JMISS 11
                                                                 Birth Wt.   205-Day Wt.   365-Day Wt.
                                                                   86        753       1402
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW  WW YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                162 52  4  0.5  71 117 17  -12  12  4  15  0.30  0.08  40  0.21  0.01
                                                                12% 32% 64% 80%  20% 15% 67%  6%  41%  57%  8%  67%  70%  12%  39%  61%
                                                               This is a bull we are using for his depth and thickness.  He is siring some stout
                                                               calves that are deep and wide based.  This is our second set of calves and all
                                                               summer long they will catch your eye.  We certainly are pleased with the style and
                                                               conformation that Zeppelin is adding to our bull battery.

                 RED WINDY HILL ZEPPELIN 1240
                 RED WINDY HILL ZEPPELIN 1240

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