Page 37 - Red Hill Farms Red Angus and Simmental Annual Bull Sale 2017
P. 37

SimGenetics Fall Bulls                       Red Hill Farms – 2017
                                                  GW STEP OUT 672X
        50    REDHILL 231A 230Z 284C         REDHILL 672X X004 231A
               REG. #   BREED                     GW MISS PREM BEEF X004
                                                  GW PREDESTINED 645W
        BULL  3088133   5/8 SM 1/4 AN 1/8 AR  REDHILL 645W 114T 230Z
        OPENING BID: $3,500  BD: 9/17/15  BLK/PLD  RED HILL R1 CLDWELL 114T
              CE   BW  WW   YW   MCE  MILK  MWW  STAY  DOC  YG  MARB  REA
        EPDs   15.2   0.3  60.8  106.6 8.5  20.3 50.7  12.2  11.7  -0.2   0.8   0.8
        SM %  15%  50%  50%  25%  40%  60%  55%  20%  40%  60%  3%   35%
         API Index   159.1 10%   BW   BWR   WWR  YWR   %IMF   REA   SC   FRAME
         TI Index   80.8  10%   72   102 101 102  108   98   34   4+
         Dam’s Info   YOB  WEIGHT  BCS   BR   WR   YR
                  2012   1190   6   3/86   2/96   2/100
        284C is a moderate, athletic bull with excellent rib shape and center body width. This is the kind of bull to sire dense,
        heavy feeder calves and replacement heifers without making them “out of bounds” for frame size and mature weight.
        Since this bull is double bred to 701T and has two very strong granddams, he should be a tremendous female sire.

                                                  GW PREDESTINED 773X
        51    REDHILL 102A X004 297C         REDHILL 773X 765 102A
               REG. #   BREED                     KAPP ELDORENE ERICA SSO 765
                                                  GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS
        BULL  3088144   1/2 SM 1/2 AN        GW MISS PREM BEEF X004
        OPENING BID: $3,500  BD: 9/20/15  BLK/PLD  GW MISS QUARTER 538U
              CE   BW  WW   YW   MCE  MILK  MWW  STAY  DOC  YG  MARB  REA
        EPDs   18.3  -2.4  65.4  108.5  9.2 21.1  53.8 9.0 12.4  -0.2   0.9   0.7
        SM %  4%  10%  35%  20%  30%  55%  40%  55%  25%  75%  1%    50%
         API Index   174.9 2%   BW   BWR   WWR  YWR   %IMF   REA   SC   FRAME
         TI Index   87.8  2%   85   89   113 113  112 110   38   6-
         Dam’s Info   YOB  WEIGHT  BCS   BR   WR   YR
                  2010   1685   7   5/96  3/110  3/111
        297C is sired by 102A and out of the dam of 231A. 297C has excellent body volume and appears to be easy fl eshing. He
        is very slick and all his ancestors at Red Hill are slick and fescue adaptable. 297C has superior EPDs across the board to
        place him in the top 2% of the breed for both API and TI.

                                                  HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K
        52    REDHILL 106W 153X 347C         HOOK`S WALLY 106W
               REG. #   BREED                     TSN MISS FUTURE P037
                                                  GW PREDESTINED 701T
        BULL  3088154   3/4 SM 1/4 AN        REDHILL 701T 219K 153X
        OPENING BID: $3,500  BD: 10/16/15 RED/PLD  GW MISS MATERNAL 219
              CE   BW  WW   YW   MCE  MILK  MWW  STAY  DOC  YG  MARB  REA
        EPDs   15.3  -0.4  67.4  101.0  11.5 26.9  60.5 14.3 16.4  -0.3   0.4   1.0
        SM %  15%  35%  25%  35%  10%  15%  10%  10%  1%  25%  35%   10%
         API Index   149.1 15%   BW   BWR   WWR  YWR   %IMF   REA   SC   FRAME
         TI Index   77.4  20%  79  96  106  108  96  116  38   5+
         Dam’s Info   YOB  WEIGHT  BCS   BR   WR   YR
                  2010   1040   5   5/94  4/100  4/103
        347C is one of the best Wally sons to date. The Wally daughters are docile, slick haired, and easy fl eshing with excellent
        udder and teat quality. 347C is out of 153X, a moderate 701T daughter that is a favorite at Red Hill. 347C moves like a cat
        on a great set of feet and legs.
                                                       Red Hill Farms – 35
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