Page 4 - Spitzer Ranch Profit Maker Online Brangus Bull Sale – October 3, 2020
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2020 Profi t Maker Bull Sale – Profi table Genetics from Performance Cattlemen

        Expected Progeny Differences (EPD) values are exactly what the term implies. If   Over the years we have become more and more conservative on “Calv-
        two bulls are used on a uniform group of cows, the progeny are expected to have   ing Ease Bulls” for use on heifers.  We have adopted the philosophy
        differences in average performance relative to the EPD values for the two bulls   that it is better for us to have stricter guidelines than for you to be sorry
        for whatever trait of interest. EXAMPLE: If one bull has BW EPD of 2.0 pounds   at calving time. That is why we developed our Starr System to give
        and another bull has BW EPD of -1.5 pounds then the expected average BW of   guidance in selecting those easy calving bulls for use on heifers. This
        the resulting calves will differ by 3.5 pounds. Since EPD are reported in accepted   system assigns from 0 or no stars to 5-Stars based on “cowboy logic”
        units of measure (pounds, centimeters, percentage, etc.) this example holds for   and our assessment of the science behind BW and CED EPD as well as
        each EPD. The EPD value includes the phenotypic performance of the individual   adjusted BW and that bull having been born with no assistance. What
        as well as all phenotypes on relatives (sire, dam, grandparents, sisters, brothers,   we used to FLAG as a Calving Ease Bull would be a 3-Star bull in our
        cousins and so forth – every relative in the database). Volumes of research have   current system and would be recommended to be a Superior Calving
        proven EPD are good predictors of differences among bulls for genetic merit. In   Ease bull for breeding well developed heifers. However, we now desig-
        short, bull selection based on EPD are many times more effective and accurate   nate 4-Star Elite Calving Ease bulls and 5-Star Ultimate Calving Ease
        than selection based on any single phenotypic measure.   bulls as even lower risk for calving problems.

        Today however, that is not enough. With the advent of DNA testing we now com-  Obviously, there are no guarantees for preventing difficult births in heif-
        bine the traditional EPD with the genomic testing to generate GE-EPD. Genom-  ers.  Even the most proven “Calving Ease Bulls” of any breed will sire a
        ic-Enhanced EPD are far more accurate than the EPD of old. Those GE-EPD pro-  large calf every so often.  However, this information is meant to serve as

        vide you (and us) with the same amount of information as if we had 10-20 calves   a guide for managing risk of calving difficulty in your first-calf females.
        (depending on exactly which trait) already on the ground and in the Brangus   Our goal is to help you eliminate heifer calving problems to the best of
        Database system. Yes, we can see his value as a parent before the calves are   our ability.
        born! How neat is that?
                                                                BUT, lets get real on calving ease! Our 3-Star, 4-Star and 5-Star bulls
        Adding the genomics drastically reduces your chances of purchasing the wrong   are meant to be used to breed virgin yearling heifers such that they will
        bull on sale day. The GE-EPD is considerably more accurate than the traditional   have little to no calving problems with their first calf. All other bulls with

        EPD by itself. AND, orders of magnitude more accurate than any of the individual   0-Stars, 1-Star or 2-Stars are very appropriate to use on cows that have
        weights and measures with which many people try to confuse you. As Brangus   already had at least one calf. Brangus and Ultrablack have an excellent
        Seedstock Producers desiring to be your bull supplier for the long haul, Spitzer   reputation for siring the right sized calf and there are almost no bulls
        Ranch is adamant about GE-EPD being your best tool in bull selection. We look   in these breeds that cannot be used on mature cows with no calving

        at it as customer service when we can provide you with better information on the   difficulties. In fact, because the general correlation between size at birth
        bulls in our sales. In our minds, genomic testing allows us to market cattle with   and growth is extremely high, you may be losing growth (weaning and
        more integrity because the genetic predictions are so much more accurate on   yearling weight) if you use extreme calving ease bulls on mature cows.
        young animals or those with few progeny records.
                                                                In general, choose bulls with a ranking of 3-Stars and above on virgin
        Besides that, it reduces the risk that the bull you buy does not live up to your   yearling heifers for their first breeding. Use any of the other bulls on ma-

        expectations when he was purchased. Not only can you be more comfortable   ture cows in your herd. You do not need to pay extra for an easy-calving,
        with your purchasing decision, we can be more confi dent that we provided to you   low birthweight bull when it is not necessary to do so. On the other
        the absolute best data we can on how that bull will perform as the male parent   hand, a “Calving-Ease Bull” to breed yearling heifers can be a God send.
        of your next calf crop. We passionately believe it answers the question: “How
        can we provide the most valuable and unbiased information to sell our bull’s   SPITZER RANCH, LLC HAS BEEN SERVING OUR CUSTOMERS SINCE 1982
        genetics to the right buyer?”                           We are committed to you as a customer and deliver service with each sale.
                                                                When you purchase a bull from Spitzer Ranch, we recognize that as an in-
        FOR THE DIEHARDS. We do give the Brangus Association registration number   vestment on your part and you can become aligned to our program with
        on each animal. If you just cannot help yourself, you can look the bull up on the   an option to become part of our future sales.  You will automatically have
        Brangus website and see the individual weights. They mean truly little, but we   access to current EPD on your bull purchases through contacting us at any
        sure do not try to hide data.                           time for the most current information. We also offer free consulting services
        Every bull in this catalog has GE-EPD, meaning their EPD are based on all   on both bull selection as well as establishing a PLANNED CROSSBREEDING

        available data PLUS a DNA profile and bulls are additionally parent verified.   SYSTEM using Brangus Genetics to add heterosis and profitability to your

        The Brangus association computes EPD monthly and these were retrieved from   cow herd. Additionally, females sired by those bulls become candidates to
        the AUG 2020 run.                                       return as part of our Customer Commercial Brangus Female Sales which we
                                                                are planning for in future years at your request.  We pledge to conduct our
        We have additionally separated the GE-EPD Table into the two components of   business in a manner that demands providing only the best in genetics and
        traits expressed in CALVES SIRED BY AN INDIVIDUAL BULL and those expressed   services that make you a repeat customer.  We definitely provide VALUE

        by DAUGHTERS OF AN INDIVIDUAL BULL.                     ADDED GENETICS and strive to provide VALUE ADDED SERVICE.
        4– Spitzer Ranch
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