Page 5 - Spitzer Ranch Profit Maker Online Brangus Bull Sale – October 3, 2020
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2020 Profi t Maker Bull Sale – Profi table Genetics from Performance Cattlemen
We have watched the industry and studied a long time to make bull 5 ***** Star Ultimate Extreme of Low BW and Increased
selection easier for our customers. After a great deal of research Growth for WN and YR Weights
and study we released our STAR RATING SYSTEM in 2019 for an 4 **** Star Elite Combination of Low BW and Increased
all-encompassing guide to evaluate the broad categories of Curve Growth for WN and YR Weights
Bending Genetics, Calving Ease, Growth and Carcass. Please re- 3 *** Star Superior Performance of Low BW and Increased
member, GE-EPD are the absolute best and most precise tools for Growth for WN and YR Weights
your bull selection and you should use individual GE-EPD and, more 2 ** Star Excellent Balance of Low BW and Increased
importantly, their respective Percentile Rank, to hone-in on individ- Growth for WN and YR Weights
ual traits specifi cally needed in your cow herd. The Star System 1 * Star Above Average for Low BW and increased Growth
simply gives you a tool to quickly look at those four broad catego- to WN and YW Weights
ries and quickly fi nd bulls with the GENETICS that fi t your needs. Calving Ease Rating
5 ***** Star Ultimate Calving Ease for All heifers and cows
The Star System uses all available information along with “cowboy 4 **** Star Elite Calving Ease for All heifers and cows
logic” to rate the bulls for the four categories. The more stars, the 3 *** Star Superior Calving Ease for well-developed heifers
better for that category. Each bull is rated from 0 to 5 stars and a and All cows
bull must be in the top half of the database for Growth and Carcass 2 ** Star Excellent Calving Ease for All mature cows
to get even one star while five stars are only given to the ultimate 1 * Star Good Calving Ease for All mature cows
cream of the crop for that category. For Calving Ease, our recom- Growth Rating
mendation would be to use 3-Star, 4-Star and 5-Star bulls to breed 5 ***** Star Ultimate Growth
4 **** Star Elite Growth
3 *** Star Superior Growth
Those who have followed our program (since 1982) know how hard
we have focused on finding and creating bulls with the right genet- 2 ** Star Excellent Growth
ics to decrease birth weights and increase growth at the same time. 1 * Star Good Growth
Since those traits are antagonistic that is a hard task, but we have Carcass Rating
successfully designed our program to do just that. The Curve Bend- 5 ***** Star Ultimate Carcass
er Rating identifi es those bulls. While there are individuals who ex- 4 **** Star Elite Carcass
cel at Calving Ease and still others that excel at Growth, few can do 3 *** Star Superior Carcass
both in the same Genetic Package and they are CURVE BENDERS! 2 ** Star Excellent Carcass
1 * Star Good Carcass
SPITZER RANCH LLC reserves the right to RETAIN A ONE-HALF SEMEN We have been using ultrasound technology to evaluate carcass char-
INTEREST on any of their bulls sold. Retained Interest Bulls are clearly acteristics since 1998 (22 years). The results of ultrasound scan data
so noted in comments. Retained Interest Bulls are in your possession on these bulls and their heifer sisters were outlined in our Spring 2020
and under your control for natural service and you get all (100%) of the Newsletter and they were outstanding. This set of 22 bulls averaged
salvage value. We will continue to own half interest in bulls for the pur- a 14.8 sq. in. REA with REA/CWT averaging 1.34 sq. in. Bulls also
pose of collecting and marketing semen, as well as using semen in our averaged an impressive 3.84% IMF. We have noted a few of these in
own and cooperators’ herds. While it is unlikely large amounts of semen the COMMENTS section of the data block on individual bulls. But, the
will be collected or sold from many bulls, we need that as an option. GE-EPD for all these bulls already have those scan data incorporated
so that is your best estimate of REA and %IMF. However, all individual
You can decide whether (or not) to be involved with semen sales. As information is available to customers upon request.
a buyer and at your option, you can also have a ONE-HALF REVENUE
SHARING SEMEN INTEREST. You will own half of all semen collected,
pay half of all costs involved and participate in your share of revenue
from semen sales. We have developed a standard Bull Partnership
Agreement spelling out further details. Please call, write or email to re-
view a copy of this agreement. We wish to avoid any misunderstandings
on retained-interest bulls. If you have any questions at all, please ask. If
you chose not to be involved with semen sales, we still reserve the right
to collect and market semen on any retained interest bull.
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