Page 6 - Spitzer Ranch Profit Maker Online Brangus Bull Sale – October 3, 2020
P. 6
2020 Profi t Maker Bull Sale – Profi table Genetics from Performance Cattlemen
LOT # NAME REG # DOB GEN DEF Paternal Grandsire Paternal Great Grandsire
REG. # DATE OF BIRTH GEN DEFECT Sire Paternal Great Granddam
CED BW WW YW SC REA IMF MK TM CEM HP STAY Paternal Granddam Paternal Great Grandsire
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Paternal Great Granddam
13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Maternal Grandsire Maternal Great Grandsire
Maternal Great Granddam
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Maternal Granddam Maternal Great Granddam
GE-EPD EXPRESSED IN CALVES 11. HP – Heifer Pregnancy – Expressed as a percentage and indi-
SIRED BY AN INDIVIDUAL BULL cates the probability that daughters of this bull will have a calf
1. CED – Calving Ease Direct – Expressed as a percentage and in- as a 2-YR-OLD. A higher number predicts a greater likelihood of
dicates the direct influence of this bull on calving ease in 2-YR- calving by 2-YRs of age.
OLDs. A higher number predicts greater calving ease or less dys- 12. STAY – Stayability – Measures the likelihood that a cow will re-
tocia for this bull’s calves when born to fi rst-calf heifers. main in the herd thru 6-YRs of age. A higher number is more de-
2. BW – Birth Weight – Expressed in pounds and predicts calf size sirable.
and weight at birth. 13. % RANK – To make it easier to evaluate EPD, the percentile rank-
3. WW - Weaning Weight – Expressed in pounds and predicts ing is shown below each individual EPD. This is a great way to
growth potential from birth to weaning age. understand where the individual ranks in the breed for that EPD.
4. YW -Yearling Weight – Expressed in pounds and predicts overall For example, where it shows “10%,” this means that EPD value
growth potential and post-weaning gain to yearling age. is in the highest, or TOP 10%, of all non-parent bulls in the entire
5. SC - Scrotal Circumference – Expressed in centimeters and pre- breed. Conversely, “10%” also means that “90%” of all non-parent
dicts testicle size. bulls in the breed have a lower EPD for that trait. (A 10% for BW,
6. REA - Ribeye Area – Expressed in square inches and predicts however, means lowest, or lightest birthweight.)
ribeye size and overall muscle mass. 16. BREED – Brangus and Brangus Percentage Ultrablack bulls are so
7. IMF - Intramuscular Fat – Expressed in percent (%IMF) and pre- indicated
dicts marbling ability and quality grade. 17. CURVE BENDER – ***** Ultimate Extreme Curve Bender to *
Above Average Curve Bender
GE-EPD EXPRESSED BY DAUGHTERS 18. CALVING EASE STARS – ***** Ultimate Calving Ease to * Good
Calving Ease
OF AN INDIVIDUAL BULL 19. GROWTH STARS – ***** Ultimate Growth to * Good Growth
8. MK – Milk – Expressed in pounds and predicts the maternal con- 20. CARCASS STARS – ***** Ultimate Carcass to * Good Carcass
tribution a bull passes to his daughters. In reality measures that 21. DAM AGE – Age of dam at the time of birth of this bull.
portion of calf weaning weight attributed to milk production and 22. #C – Number of calves born to this dam. If she calved every year,
mothering ability. it should be 1 less than her age. ET indicates embryo transfer
9. TM - Total Maternal – Expressed in pounds and predicts the donor cow.
overall weaning weight of calves from daughters of a bull due 23. DOC – The Beef Improvement Federation Temperament Score
to the combination of growth potential AND milk production and from 1 = Docile to 6 = Very Aggressive.
mothering ability. 24. PRICE – The STARTING BID for individual bulls as of start of this
10. CEM – Calving Ease Maternal – Expressed as a percentage and sale.
indicates the calving ease for daughters sired by this bull. A high-
er number predicts greater calving ease or less dystocia for this NOTE: The Brangus Non-Parent breed averages for individual EPD are
bull’s daughters. in the TABLE at the bottom of each page. Animals with a breed
average EPD would have a % RANK of 50%.
Brangus Non-Parent Bulls Average EPD
6– Spitzer Ranch
4.9 0.9 24.9 46.5 0.45 0.32 0.05 -0.042 8.9 21.4 3.6 1.53 0.81