Page 55 - Best of Texas Premier Horse Sale – Sept. 10-11, 2021
P. 55

Sale Terms & Conditions

        NOMINATION & GRADING PROCESS         •  Pre-purchase exam should include   bidders trying to register after this deadline,
        - TOP HORSES SELL AT SALE              but is not limited to clean x-rays (Left   are not guaranteed to bid. All bidders must be
        •  Horses are nominated months in advance   & Right Fore Foot DP, Left & Right   at least 21 years of age. The highest bidder
          then scored using our rubric.        Fore Foot Lateral, Left & Right Skyline   is the buyer. If any dispute arises between or
                                               Navicular View) and any other ex-rays   among two or more bidders, sole authority
        •  Nomination Rubric (Click to View) - the   deemed necessary by the veterinarian.   to settle the dispute as he sees fi t is reserved
          higher the trainer & their horse score, the   Our PPE also requires a full veterinarian   by the auctioneer and the decisions shall be
          better their chances are of selling at our   examination.               fi nal. Seller reserves the right to waive the
          sale. Quality over quantity!
                                             •  Some trainers will include hock and   sale (bids) of his/her horse before it leaves
        •  12 scoring areas: Trainer Status,   stifl e x-rays as well as others but it’s not   the ring. The auctioneer reserves the right
          Ownership, Loyalty, Pedigree, Age,   required. If buyers want more than the   to reject any or all bids. The auctioneer
          Photos, Description, Conformation,   required PPE, they are required to get it   completes sale of a horse at the fall of the
          Disposition, Body Condition, Bonus   done before the sale at their expense.  gavel. We reserve the right to refuse bidding
          Points, & Performance/Riding Ability. +3                                to anyone.
          “Superior” is the score to shoot for in each   •  X-rays are viewable on our website as   •  Online Bidding: is provided by our
          category.                            early as 2 months before sale day up to
                                               sale day and then the system automatically   company, MM Auction Services, LLC.
        •  Our job is to ensure each horse is a good   deletes them when the gavel drops. We do   Go to and you
          fi t for our sale and buyers as well as our   not keep x-rays past sale day, hence it’s   can fi nd it under current auctions at
          sale is a good fi t for all horses and trainers   called a pre-purchase exam and not a post   that link. Click on “How it Works” to get
                                               purchase exam.                       started or call with questions. There will
                                                                                    be a 1% online buyers fee applied to
        Sifting Process @ the Sale           •  The deposit and inspection of X-rays,   all online winning bids. Online bidders
                                               and access to the repository are subject
        •  Arena work – Catch, saddle, all 4-feet   to our Repository Terms & Conditions   have 2 payment choices, credit card
          easily picked up, bridle, ride off with tight   listed on our website. All buyers accept   or ACH (e-check). We do charge a 3%
          cinch – no problem and lope away.                                         convenience fee to pay with a credit card
                                               the Repository terms and conditions when
        •  Minor abrasions, cuts, or sores may be   accepting these terms and bidding at sale.  or debit card (International 4%). Make
          sifted unless it is likely to heal normally   •  Each buyer is encouraged to instruct   sure you plan accordingly and notify your
          without veterinarian treatment and cause   their registered veterinarian to inspect the   bank of the charges. Any returned e-check
          no long-term threat.                                                      charges will be accessed a $500 fee and
                                               X-rays for each Lot and physically inspect   required to wire the balance same day plus
        •  Trainer understands that if their horse   each Lot prior to the purchase thereof.   the $500 fee. International bidders have 2
          doesn’t pass all stages of Premier Horse   As provided in the Standard Conditions   payment options of credit/debit card (4%
          Sale’s sifting process, they will be pulled   of Sale contained in the Sales Catalogue   convenience fee) or wire transfer. Once
          from the sale and consignment fee is   and on our website, each Lot purchased   we have confi rmed you are a customer
          forfeited. If we decide they’re out, they are   is purchased, at the fall of the hammer,   in good standing with your bank, we
          OUT! Bring your BEST!                with all defects and defi ciencies, latent and   will send you an “approval to bid” email.
                                               patent, subject to the exceptions set out in   Watch for emails in your spam folder.
        Pre-purchase Exam                      the said Standard Terms and Conditions
        •  Trainers are required to provide a pre-  of Sale, or, announced prior to the auction   •  Phone Bidding & Absentee Bidding:
                                                                                    Serious buyers only! There will be a 2%
          purchase exam including x-rays. X-rays   of a Lot. The Buyer acknowledges that   buyer’s premium fee applied to all phone
          we require consists of AP and Lateral   it is his sole responsibility to determine   and absentee winning bids. To bid on more
          radiographs of the navicular as well   the quality, accuracy and completeness   than 4 horse, you must fi rst pay $100
          as Skyline Navicular views. Buyers   of the Pre-purchase Exam and to obtain   per additional head to bid. This payment
          understand that if they want additional   independent advice with respect thereto   is non-refundable but will be applied to
          x-rays of horses or a pre-purchase exam   from a registered veterinarian.  your fi nal statement if you purchase a
          of their own, they will have those done                                   horse. In order to bid, you will need to
          ahead of sale time at buyers’ expense.   Bidding                          fi ll out our phone/absentee bidding form.
        •  All horses selling at Premier Horse Sales   Bidders have 4 options to bid: onsite, online,   All registered phone bidders are required
          are required to have a pre-purchase exam   phone, or agent bidding. See our “Register to   to provide us with a payment form prior
          done by a licensed veterinarian in order to   Bid” page to get registered for our next sale.   to bidding. New bidders need to provide
          sell.                              New Bidders are required to provide a driver’s   us with their bank contact information,
                                             license, bank contact information, and bank
        •  PPEs can be done as early as 4 months   account number so we can verify you are a   bank account number, and copy of driver’s
          before sale day but no sooner. Vets are   customer in good standing in order to obtain   license.
          required to upload PPE information to our   a bidder number. Please know that all online
          website, repository page, as early as 2   & phone bidders must be registered by noon
          months before the sale but no later than 2   the day before the sale. Any online or phone
          weeks prior to sale day.
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