Page 35 - Chrome in the Canyon Premier Mule Sale – May 7, 2022
P. 35
Sale Terms & Conditions
Care of & Pick-Up: Loading out:
the trainer of each animal (not MM Auction Services nor
Chrome in the Canyon Premier Mule Sale) represents and Buyer assumes full ownership and responsibility of the Buyers must have a paid invoice from the office for all load
warrants to the buyer, Chrome in the Canyon Premier Mule animal from the time it is sold in the sale ring. It is the outs. Brand inspector and veterinarian will be on sight sale
Sale, MM Auction Services LLC to include but not limited new owner’s responsibility and sole risk from the time of day for all proper paperwork.
to the following: purchase for proper feed, care, and maintenance. Buyers will Liability:
• Title of the animal, free from all claims of ownership be responsible to pick-up purchased mule(s) immediately
• Sound of limb, eyes, and wind following the sale or a $50/night boarding fee will be Buyers, sellers, and spectators are cautioned to exercise care
• Not a cribber or wind sucker assessed. Do not take sale numbers off the mules, as they will while attending the sale and enter premises at their own
• Not cryptorchid be needed for checkout. risk according to the laws of the State of Utah. Neither
• Be exactly what they represent them to be. the owners nor any other persons connected with this sale
• If said mule is not what the trainer represents it to be, Warranty: assume any liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents to
persons or property, before, during, or after the sale. Colby
Trainer will take the mule back and give the buyers a mule There is no implied warranty made by auctioneer or Sale
& Codi Gines, Premier Mule Sale, MM Auction Services,
that they claimed to have purchased. A decision needs to Company as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular
LLC; its principals, directors, officers, agents, employees and
be made based on what is best for both parties. Whether purpose of any animal in the sale, and buyer agrees that it is
volunteers, and each and every landowner, municipal and/
the buyer did their homework or not, will also be taken relying upon any warranties or representations made prior
or government agency upon whose property this activity
into consideration. to or during the sale to be made only by and on behalf of
is conducted, shall not be liable for injuries sustained by
Requirements for Transport: the trainer. Buyer agrees that MM Auction Services LLC anyone attending the Premier Mule Sale. MM Auction
and Chrome in the Canyon Premier Mule Sale are serving
• Brand Inspection – Required by the State of Utah on all merely as agents selling said mule(s) for the trainer as the Services, LLC & its associates act as agents only and are not
sale mules: A brand inspection (AKA Ownership Papers) principle. The seller/trainer is the sole responsible party for responsible for buyer/seller error or misunderstanding. All
is included with mule payment at checkout and must be all representations, warranties, and guarantees expressed or guarantees are for the benefit and reliance by buyers, and
obtained from the brand inspector once you have paid for implied concerning the condition of any mule and buyers are strictly between the buyer and the seller of the mule. All
your mule(s) $10 fee charge. should satisfy themselves concerning the condition before animals are sold “As Is”. In further consideration of this sale,
• Coggins – Required for transport in and out of Utah: purchasing. Trainers will not replace animal because of I agree to indemnify and defend Chrome in the Canyon
All mules sold are required to provide a negative coggins human/animal personality conflicts. Once again, buyers need Premier Mule Sale, MM Auction Services, LLC, Colby
test current within six months of sale date (provided by to do their homework well in advance of the sale to find the & Codi Gines, their agents and associates, from all injury,
trainer). sale animal that best fits them. The buyer and sale attendees loss of equipment, loss of animal or damages to myself, my
• Health – Required for transport in & out of Utah: A further agree to hold the trainer, MM Auction Services LLC, animals or damages or injury to others lien property from my
veterinarian will be on grounds to provide all mules and Premier Mule Sales harmless from all loss, cost and animals, by entering this mule sale whether by negligence,
going out of state a current health inspection. Fees will be expense arising from illness, injury or death of such animal, breach of warranty, or any misrepresentation which is alleged
included with mule payment at checkout. $50 per mule or loss or damage to property, and injury or death of persons, to have been made about the soundness of any animal sold
(International Health is additional $250). caused by themselves, their agents, or employees, or by the at the sale . The undersigned by executing this instrument
delivers said agreement to MM Auction Services, LLC,
Transporters: animal, subsequent to the time of purchase. Colby & Codi Gines and declares them free of any and all
We highly recommend that buyers hire a licensed and Buyers Fees: claims. If any claim or dispute is asserted or arises out of
insured transporter. Branded A Equine Services is our sales • Sales Tax: Utah applies an 8.1% sales tax or over the sale or consignment of any lot or animal sold
exclusive transporter. They are licensed and insured. Call • Health Papers: $50 health inspection fee/mule at auction, it is agreed that venue for any dispute shall be
ahead to get a quote 405-780-2443. (International Health = $300) resolved exclusively in the Courts in the State of Wyoming,
• Brand Inspection: $10 brand inspection fee/mule and that Wyoming law shall control this transaction or
Equine Insurance: • Additional Buyer’s Fees: 1% online buyers fee – 2% phone any claims or disputes which arise directly or indirectly out
We highly recommend that buyers protect their investments bidding fee – 3% credit/debit card convenience fee (4% of this transaction in all respects. By purchasing a mule at
and purchase equine insurance. Ingram Insurance Agency international) Premier Mule Sale and/or executing this instrument, I verify
offers drop of hammer coverage and is our exclusive equine Stalls following the sale: that I have read the above information/terms & conditions in
insurance provider. All mules are covered from the time All mules can stay in their current stall until noon the day full and hereby agree to be bound by them.
of sale for up to 24 hours. In order for this coverage to be after the sale. They must be checked out no later than noon.
effective buyers are required to activate a policy within the Nightly boarding rates do apply, $50/night.
first 24 hours. Call Jenifer @ 877-433-0300.
By purchasing a mule at Chrome in the Canyon Premier Mule Sale, I verify that I understand all terms
& conditions and agree to be bound by them whether I read them or not.