Page 4 - TNT Simmental, SimAngus, Red Angus Bull Production Sale – Feb. 10, 2023
P. 4
How does a genomic test benefit our customers?
More accurate EPD - Genomic testing is a way to add information to what is known about an animal’s genetic potential even before they have progeny
of their own. The commitment to add a genomic test to the genetic predictions enables our customers to have higher-accuracy EPD when they make
their buying decisions. One way to think of the information gained is by asking how many progeny would this animal need to provide a similar increase
in the accuracy of the EPD for that trait? These are referred to as progeny equivalents. Below is a table of current progeny equivalents. Adding a
genomics test is like adding over 25 calving ease records or 22 birth weights on progeny to the EPD. As you can see for some of these traits, a
genomically-enhanced EPD is like knowing an entire calf-crop worth of information for bulls or a lifetime of calves for females.
Calving ease 25+ Birth weight 22 Weaning weight 25+
Yearling weight 25+ Maternal calving ease 4 Stayability 15
Docility 25+ Carcass weight 6 Marbling 10
Back fat 11 Ribeye area 8
Confidence in the pedigree - Each genomic test includes parentage markers to both confirm the animal's own pedigree (if his parents’ DNA markers are
available) and for future parent verification of their own calves. By testing the DNA for parentage, you can be sure the pedigree is correct.
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1. Create an account under the “create new account” tab
2. Apply for bidding by clicking “apply for bidding” in the
upper left corner, at least 24 hours prior to the sale.
3. Tune into the sale on Friday, February 10 at 1:00 CST and
make your purchase!
For General Questions Please Contact Our Office:
(402) 316-5460 or
*High Speed Internet Access Required*
The catalog and a video link of each bull
is also on the DVAuction website.
We thank all of you over the past 37 years, for making the TNT Ranch what it is today. We could never have done this
without the support of you, our dedicated customers, our family and our friends. We were overwhelmed with the help
and support that we received during our 1st “Carrying-On the Genetic Explosion” sale last year at our ranch in Lehr.
Simply said, we have the best friends and customers in the business. Thank you so much for your interest in our cattle.
We hope we can continue to earn your support as we continue to “Carry-On” the TNT Explosive Difference with the
next generation. You are very important to us, and we like hearing how our cattle work out for you. You are always
welcome to come and visit us at the ranch.
Thanks again!
Gabriel & Shanon Erbele & family and Kevin & Lynette Thompson
2 – View video of every bull on our website or Facebook! • Facebook/tntsimmentalranch