Page 3 - Southern Reds, Red Angus and South Poll - Bulls, Heifers – April 21, 2023
P. 3

Sale Info

                                        Southern Reds Second Annual Spring Bull Sale
                                        FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2023


        SCHEDULE                             DELIVERY                               Reds as soon as the condition is observed.
        THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 2023               We will work with all buyers to make delivery   Southern Reds reserves the right to request
          4-8 p.m. ......Bulls available for viewing   affordable. We plan to have a truck heading   a veterinary inspection by a vet of our
        FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2023                 to Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama that   choice. If the guarantee applies, Southern
                                               can meet our Southeastern customers at
                                                                                    Reds agrees to find a suitable replacement
          11 a.m. .........Lunch Provided      central drop-points. We also have buyers   bull or credit to a future sale in the amount
          12 p.m. ........Southern Reds        coming from all directions of Texas as well   of the full purchase price minus salvage value
                   First Annual Bull Sale      as Oklahoma who we can coordinate with   of the original bull.
        SALE DAY CONTACTS                      for shipping. If you will contact us prior to   AUCTION FORMAT
          Michael Vance ...........................405-880-9960  the sale, we can discuss delivery options in   We are conducting a “Cowboy-Style Auc-
          Clint Ladner .................................662-812-8370  detail.       tion” to increase transparency and decrease
          Erin Metzler................................ 940-453-5391  BUYER REGISTRATION  stress in our sale. Cattle will sell in catalog
        SALE LOCATION                          We request that any and all buyers register   order and each lot has a base price listed in
          Cooke County Fairgrounds             and receive a bidder number prior to the   the catalog.
          1901 Justice Center BLVD             sale.
          Gainesville, TX 76240              SIGHT-UNSEEN BIDDING                   When we announce the lot number to sell,
        DIRECTIONS                             We offer to bid for you in any event that you   all interested buyers at the base price must
          From the intersection of Hwy 82 and Inter-  can not watch the sale. Please feel free to   raise their card. If there are multiple numbers
          state 35, take Hwy 82 west ¾ of a mile and   reach out to Michael Vance at 405-880-9960   in the air, we will raise the price steadily until
          turn north on Justice Center BLVD. You will   prior to the sale to discuss. All bidding in-  only one number remains. If there is a tie be-
          see the barn on your left.           formation is confidential, and we guarantee   tween two on-site bidders where both drop
                                               100% satisfaction on sight-unseen purchases.  out at the same, the lowest bidder number
          If you are coming from West of Gainesville   INTERNET BIDDING             gets the bid, and the opposing bidder may
          on Hwy 82, Justice Center BLVD is 2.75 miles   We offer internet bidding through  raise the bid by $250 to keep the auction
          east of the small town of Lindsay. Buyers will need to   going.
        LODGING INFO                           have access to high-speed internet during
          Hampton Inn & Suites                 the sale and must create an account and   If there is a tie between an on-site bidder
          Gainesville ..................................940-612-4300  apply for bidding 24 hours prior to the sale.   and an internet bidder, the on-site bidder
                                               For general questions, please contact their   gets the bid and the internet bidder has the
          Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott   office at 402-316-5460 or email at   option to raise the price by $250 to keep the
          Gainesville I-35 ........................... 940-580-2210  auction going.
        TERMS                                                                     DATA PROVIDED
          Terms of the sale are cash or good check.                                 • Videos – These will be on www.dvauction.
        ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                com under our sale. We will also place a
                                                                                     link on our Facebook page.
          Sale Day announcements and supplemental   PHOTOGRAPHY                     • Basic EPDs
          information take precedence over any print-  Erin Metzler  ............................... 940-453-5391  • True Birth Weights and Weaning Weights.
          ed material in this catalog. A supplemental   VETERINARIAN                 We do not adjust because we believe each
          update sheet will be available sale day with   Brant Carpenter, DVM .............. 940-825-8509  cow should get full responsibility for what
          up-to-date information on the bulls.   Carpenter Veterinary Clinic         comes into the weaning pen. Earlier born
        RETAINED OWNERSHIP                   BREEDING SOUNDNESS GUARANTEE            calves mean more profit.
          Southern Reds, LLC will retain ½ semen   All bulls must pass a Breeding Soundness   • Frame Scores – These will be in Supple-
          interest in all bulls selling. We are selling 100%   Exam (BSE) prior to the sale. Each bull will   ments additional to the catalog.
          possession and 100% resale value. This gives   also be test negative for TRICHOMONIASIS   • Dam ages and granddam ages if still in
          both Southern Reds, LLC. and the buyer the   (TRICH) and BVD PI prior to the sale to make   production
          right to collect, store, and market semen. In   them eligible for transport out of the state of   • Scrotal Measurements – These will be in
          the event that semen is marketed by either   Texas. Each bull is guaranteed to be a satis-  Supplements additional to the catalog
          party, all semen sale proceeds minus expens-  factory breeder for the first breeding season,   • Please reach out for additional information
          es shall be split evenly between Southern   so long as the buyer provides adequate nu-  on bulls. We choose not to overwhelm
          Reds, LLC and the bull owner.        trition and management. The buyer assumes   with sorting information. We believe each
                                               all risks of injury due to management with   bull in this sale is representative of our
                                                                                     breeding philosophy.
                   Follow us at                other bulls and herds being independent of   CATALOG
                                               the genetic and physical ability of the bull. In
                 SOUTHERN RED CATTLE           the event a bull is questioned for breeding   Cow Camp Promotions .......
                                               soundness, the buyer must contact Southern
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