Page 3 - Wicks Cattle SimAngus Production Sale – Feb. 25, 2025
P. 3
Bull Sale TUESDAY,
FEB. 25, 2025
Zane Wicks Cell ................(701) 290-3938
Mary Jo Wicks Cell ............(701) 690-7755
WIX Barn Landline .............(701) 974-4334
Seth Weishaar, Auctioneer ...(605) 210-1124
Kirby Goettsch ..................(605) 380-3939 WICKS CATTLE
Farm & Ranch Guide 4022 Hwy 8 • Richardton, ND 58652
Ross Glass ..................... (701) 290-4001 “CAUTION: GPS DOESN’T ALWAYS WORK.”
All Wicks cattle have had tissue samples THEIR OWN RISK. Sale order will be established prior to sale
collected for 100k through the American Neither the owners, nor any person connect day.
Simmental Association with Neogen. The with this sale assumes any liabilities legal or ALL VIDEO SALE:
100k tests for parentage and coat color as otherwise. This is an all video sale. Videos of all lots will
well as many genetic conditions and enhanced DELIVERY OF THE BULLS: be played on two big screen TV’s on sale day.
genomic EPDs. The bulls have correlating ASA Delivery of long-aged bulls will begin the day You can view these videos prior to the sale at
registration numbers and EPDs. The EPDs after the sale. Yearling bulls will be delivered in or through DVAuction.
were as of Feb.3, 2025. All bulls are freeze April. Free delivery up to 200 miles is provided There will not be any animals entering the
branded with their tattoo number. by us. Any mileage beyond 200 miles, we will sale ring. This makes sale day a much lighter
BREEDING GUARANTEE: work with the buyers. load for us and the cattle. All lots will be
Bulls that sell for $4,000 or more are BRED HEIFERS: displayed in pens for you to view on sale day.
guaranteed for breeding soundness for the We would like buyers of the heifers to We strongly urge you to go through the cattle
first season through September 1, 2025. take them as soon as possible. Buyer is and make your critiques outside; this will help
If a problem occurs, contact Wicks Cattle responsible for transportation of the heifers. you during the sale. IF YOU PLAN TO BID BY
immediately and a replacement will be We will work with the buyer. PHONE THROUGH DVAUCTION OR ONLINE,
furnished. All claims must be submitted by REGISTER AT WWW.DVAUCTION.COM
September 1, 2025. The buyer assumes full CATTLE HEALTH: PHOTOGRAPHER:
liability of death or injury to his or her animal All of the bulls received a full vaccination Emma Goetz
following the sale. We encourage all buyers to program recommended by TK Veterinary
obtain insurance for their animal purchases. Service of Glen Ullin, including Alpha C/D and INSURANCE:
Insurance will be available the day of the sale. Clostridium Perfigen type A at birth; Bovi- Kaylee Berger, Dakota Community Insurance
Shield Gold One Shot and Vision7/Somnus at
BRAND INSPECTION: branding on June 26, 2024; Vision 7/Somnus CATALOG:
A brand inspector will be available on Sale Bovillis Coronavirus and Vista Once SQ at pre- Cow Camp Promotions
Day. weaning on August 24, 2024, and Vista Once INTERNET SALE SERVICE:
RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST: SQ, Somubac, Bovillis Coronavirus and Wart Tami McIntosh, DVAuction
Wicks Cattle is retaining 1/3 interest share in vaccine at weaning on November 4, 2024.
every bull selling in this sale. Full possession The long-aged bulls were given the same
and full salvage value sell with the bull. protocol as the above spring-born calves. They
ANNOUNCEMENTS: were poured with Clean Up, scrotal measured
and semen tested on December 13, 2024.
Announcements made sale day take SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
precedence over any printed material. LOCATION: 11 a.m. MST ............Sale Cattle on display
WIX BARN AND LODGE, 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. MST ............. Lunch
4002 HWY 8, Richardton, ND 58652, 1:55 p.m. MST ............... National Anthem
“CAUTION: GPS DOESN’T ALWAYS WORK.” 2:00 p.m. MST .....................Sale Begins