Page 5 - Wicks Cattle SimAngus Production Sale – Feb. 25, 2025
P. 5

Reference Sires

                                                                  B B          KCC1 WAR CRY 878G

                                                                          BD: 2/14/19     Polled   1/2 SM 1/2 AN
                                                                          ASA#: 3678383 Homo Black
                                                                                         MR HOC BROKER
                                                             RUBY SWC BATTLE CRY 431B  { SWC RUBY YETTI 143Y
                                                                                         VAR ALLEGIANCE 5157
                                                             MALSONS SAVANNAH 27Y      { MALSONS SAVANNAH 27W

                                                                   CE  BW WW  YW MCE Milk ADG MWW Marb REA  API  TI
                                                                  13.9 -0.6 78.0 119.0 9.3 27.8 0.26 68.1 0.21 0.49 111.9 78.3
                                                                  40% 40% 45% 50% 20%  20% 60% 25% 80%  80% 85%  65%
                                                             Owner: Wicks Cattle
                     K CC1 W  AR CR  Y 878G                  WAR CRY is a bull that we located at Kearns Cattle Company
                     KCC1 WAR CRY 878G
                                                             near Rushville, NE. We went there in search of a purebred
        Simmental bull. Once we started going through the pens there was one bull, a halfblood, that persistently stood out among the
        rest. War Cry has a way of moving that is fluent and agile, he is extremely sound with great structure and a unique presence to him.
        He has great neck extension and is smooth shouldered. He is big topped, big ribbed and carries a massive hip. We could not pass
        him up. We have a lot of confidence in this bull as Kearns also did, using him extensively on both heifers and cows. He stamps his
        progeny as consistent as any bull we have ever used. We have used him with great success on first-calf heifers.

                                                                  C C          OMF EPIC E27

                                                                          BD: 2/9/17   Homo Polled       PB SM
                                                                          ASA#: 3317371 Homo Black
                                                                                         WS BEEF KING W107
                                                             WS ALL-AROUND Z35         { CDI MS HIGH ROLLER 39W
                                                                                         OMF COMMANDER Y69
                                                             OMF TIME LESS B100        { OMF TIMELESS Z21

                                                                   CE  BW WW  YW MCE Milk ADG MWW Marb REA  API  TI
                                                                  14.9 -1.2 86.8 126.5 7.3 24.9 0.25 68.2 0.20 0.70 148.5 88.8
                                                                  15% 15% 25% 35% 30%  35% 50% 25% 50%  85% 30%  25%
                                                             Owner: Little Shasta/Schooley Cattle
                         OMF EPIC E27
                         OMF EPIC E27
                                                                  D D          HANELS POWER WAGON J1505

                                                                          BD: 8/19/21   Homo Polled  3/4 SM 1/4 AN
                                                                          ASA#: 4064388 Homo Black
                                                                                         CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z
                                                             WS PROCLAMATION E202      { WS MISS SUGAR C4
                                                                                         CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028
                                                             M4 MS CAPITAL GAINS C75
                                                                                       { SFI BETTY SUE Y85T
                                                                   CE  BW WW  YW MCE Milk ADG MWW Marb REA  API  TI
                                                                  6.0 4.8 94.4 140.0 2.9 21.2 0.28 68.5 0.19 0.75 114.4 79.8
                                                                  99% 99% 10% 15% 99%  75% 45% 25% 85%  35% 80%  60%
                                                             Owner: Wicks Cattle
               HANELS PO     WER W    A GON J1505            Power Wagon is a bull that we purchased from the Hanel
               HANELS POWER WAGON J1505
                                                             program in Kansas. He is a out of a Capitalist 028. We had been
        searching for a 028-pedigreed bull with Proclamation sire. This is the perfect cross. He is old-school bred, has a big foot, bone and
        a tremendous amount of thickness and power. Gret disposition and great hair coat. his offspring will look just like him – massive!
        He is used on mature cows for the reason of his calves have some performance and birthweight. He will be on display on sale day.
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