Page 11 - Katus Ranch Angus Bull Sale – March 9, 2025
P. 11


                                                                Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:
                                                               21120574  2/13/24  79   796   711   100   1255   100   6-103
                                                                                          ELLINGSON RIDER PRIDE 7282
                                                                    ELLINGSON BADLANDS 0285  EA BELLS GIRL 7617

                                                                    S A V BLACKCAP MAY 1051  S A V BRAND NAME 9115
                                                                                          S A V BLACKCAP MAY 8980
                                                              CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
                                                               13  59  102  0.67  9.1  24  13  32  0.20  0.74  63  75
                                                               10%  75%  75%  65%  85%  65%  80%  95%  95%  45%  50%  85%
                                                             Here we go. The first of three full brothers by the Badlands bull. This calf comes
                                                             at you with a +13 CED and 79-pound BW. Sure-shot calving ease with near 800
                                                             WW. The Badlands calves have been impressive wherever they are sold. Sleep-all-
                                                             night calving ease here.
                      El l i n g s o n Ba d l a n ds 0285
                      Ellingson Badlands 0285

                                                               23 23  KATUS BADLANDS RDANCE 4209

                                                                Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:
                                                               21120567  2/20/24  83   762   692   100   1284   100   6-103
                                                                    ELLINGSON BADLANDS 0285  ELLINGSON RIDER PRIDE 7282
                                                                                          EA BELLS GIRL 7617

                                                                    S A V BLACKCAP MAY 1051  S A V BRAND NAME 9115
                                                                                          S A V BLACKCAP MAY 8980
                                                              CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
                                                               6   65  105  0.78  8.6   24   21    43  0.21  1.09  65   94
                                                               55%  55%  75%  60%  90%  65%  45%  80%  95%  10%  45%  50%
                                                             Full brother to lot 22 out of the SAV Blackcap May 1051 donor cow. Add 4209
                                                Lot 23       with his brothers and breed lots of heifers. 762lb. WW and near 1300lb. 365-day
                                                   t 23

                                                               24 24  KATUS BADLANDS RDANCE 4211

                                                                Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:
                                                               21120570  2/12/24  80   752   671   100   1418   100   6-103
                                                                    ELLINGSON BADLANDS 0285  ELLINGSON RIDER PRIDE 7282
                                                                                          EA BELLS GIRL 7617

                                                                    S A V BLACKCAP MAY 1051  S A V BRAND NAME 9115
                                                                                          S A V BLACKCAP MAY 8980
                                                              CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
                                                               4   88  143  0.69  12.2  22   16    47  0.07  0.92  73   79
                                                               70%  10%  15%  65%  55%  80%  70%  70%  95%  25%  25%  75%
                                                             A full sib to lots 22 and 23, this is another calving ease prospect with over 750
                                                             pounds at weaning! These three would make a set of fancy calves.

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