Page 6 - Katus Ranch Angus Bull Sale – March 9, 2025
P. 6

                                Coleman Donna 5207                  Si t z Ba rric a d e 632F
                                             a 5207
                                                                    Sitz Barricade 632F
                                       n D

                                                                                    Lot 7
           7 7  KATUS FORTRESS 4105

           Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:  Katus Fortress came to us as a surprise. We implanted 6 sexed female embryos,
                                                             stuck 5 and got 4 full sisters and 1 great bull! Tying for the top actual weaning
          21124664  1/15/24  98   1015   859   100   1473   100   6-108  weight at 1015 pounds he flat out got it done. If you like them big middled,
               SITZ BARRICADE 632F   SITZ STELLAR 726D       good headed and big butted this is your bull. He was a standout all summer and
                                                             continued it all winter. His Coleman Donna 5207 cow traces back to some of
                                     SITZ BARBARAMERE NELL 765D
                                                             the great female makers of all time. Crossing her with Barricade adds the extra
               COLEMAN DONNA 5207    O C C GREAT PLAINS 943G  power to take him to the next level. I just about put one of his sisters in the sale
                                     COLEMAN DONNA 714       but when push came to shove, I couldn’t part with any of them. They will be
         CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F   cornerstone females for us for years to come.
          5   74  117  1.04  12.2  18   9    58  0.08  0.35  66   99
          60%  30%  55%  40%  55%  95%  90%  40%  95%  90%  40%  40%

           8 8  KATUS TORRENTIAL 7075 4107

           Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:  Katus Torrential leads off a great group of flush brothers out of the SAV
                                                             Downpour 8794 x SAV Madame Pride 4598. Crossing the now deceased
          21118072  1/16/24  86   986   834   100   1506   100   4-101  Downpour with one of SAV Madame Pride 0075’s arguably best daughters was
               S A V DOWNPOUR 8794   S A V RAINFALL 6846     an opportunity we couldn’t resist. 4107 pounded down the scales to wean at
                                                             986 and pushed the limits to a 1506 yearling weight! All this with a modest birth
                                     S A V MADAME PRIDE 4407
                                                             weight. These Downpour calves stand on a little extra bone and frame and tie it all
               S A V MADAME PRIDE 4598  RITO 707 OF IDEAL 3407 7075  together in an attractive package. He will flat out get it done for you!
                                     S A V MADAME PRIDE 0075
         CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
          3   67  128  2.29  9.7  26  12  65  0.56  0.56  55  110
          75%  50%  35%  1%  80%  50%  85%  25%  70%  65%  70%  20%

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