Page 8 - Katus Ranch Angus Bull Sale – March 9, 2025
P. 8


                                                                Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:
                                                               21153143  2/22/24  95   892   882   116   1615   122   1-116
                                                                    SITZ RESILIENT 10208  SITZ STELLAR 726D
                                                                                          SITZ MISS BURGESS 1856

                                                                    ZARA LADY P380 OF M A F  MYERS FAIR-N-SQUARE M39
                                                                                          ZARA LADY E53 OF M A F
                                                              CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
                                                               -1   97  171  0.64  16.6  30   15    60  0.71  0.45  74  109
                                                               95%   2%   1%   70%   15%  25%   70%   35%  50%   80%  20%   25%
                                                             Here’s one of my favorite bulls in the group. 4380 is the first calf out of the P380
                                                             heifer we purchased from Miller Angus Farms in Estelline, SD who was a special
                                                             lot for their 100th anniversary sale. Kody told me this Fair N Square heifer was
                                                             good, and boy was he ever right. This is our first calf crop out of Sitz Resilient
                        Sitz Resilient 10208
                        Si t z R esi l ie n t 10208          and they exceeded our expectations.  4380 was a top weaning wt. calf at 882lbs.
                                                             adjusted and came in #2 on yearling weights at a whopping 1615 pounds all off a
                                                             first-calf heifer. He is a definite cow herd bull candidate that will add performance
                                                             and style.
                                                               13 13  KATUS RESILIENT COMM 4720

                                                                Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:
                                                               21125131   2/8/24  69   896   857   120   1646   100   1-120
                                                                    SITZ RESILIENT 10208  SITZ STELLAR 726D
                                                                                          SITZ MISS BURGESS 1856

                                                                    KATUS COMM PEXPRESS GF 2720  DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND
                                                                                          SMB COMMANCHE J 9720
                                                               CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
                                                               9   85  145  1.32  11.0  19   9    51  1.02  0.41  80   84
                                                               30%  10%  15%  25%  70%  90%  90%  60%  25%  85%  10%  70%

                                                             4720 is another cow bull prospect out of Resilient. He’s long and thick with a
                                                 Lot 13      great head and extended neck. He is sure the female making kind with Growth
                                                    t 13
                                                             Fund and Ellingson Commanche in his pedigree.  +85 WW EPD and +145 YW
                                                             with actual weaning of 896lbs. off the cow and the #1 adjusted yearling weight of
                                                             1646lbs.!  All of this out of another first-calf heifer that is definitely earning her
                                                             way. Be sure to look him up sale day.
                                                               14 14  KATUS RESILIENT 3RIV 4198

                                                                Reg. #:   BD:   BW:  Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  365-Wt.  YW-R:    Dam WR:
                                                               21167385  2/16/24  70   858   838   100   1427   100   1-100
                                                                    SITZ RESILIENT 10208  SITZ STELLAR 726D
                                                                                          SITZ MISS BURGESS 1856
                                                                    KATUS BLACKBESS 3RIV 2198  ELLINGSON THREE RIVERS 8062
                                                                                          CEDARFLO 5133 BLACKBESS 198
                                                              CED  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
                                                               -2   78  135  0.86  29.5  24                   97

                                                             4198 is a nice calving ease prospect that was born at 70 pounds and had an
                                                             858lb. actual WW and pushed to 1427lbs. at 365 days. Calving ease with growth.
                                                 Lot 14
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