Page 3 - Milk Creek Reds Annual Red Angus Bull Sale – March 15, 2025
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S  ale Inf      or  matio      n
                                                                                   Sale Information

                   Milk Creek Reds Bull Sale
               Saturday, March 15, 2025                                  108 Yearling Red Angus Bulls
        1 p.m. MDT • Milk Creek Reds Ranch • Plevna, MT

        SALE DAY LUNCH:                                        ACCOMODATIONS:
           Complimentary lunch and pie will be served at 11:30 a.m.  Baker, Mont.
                                                                  (If planning to stay please reserve early as the oil field activity can cause
        SALE LOCATION:                                            room shortages.)
           At the Ranch (see map on page 2 for directions)        Montana Motel .........................................................................406-778-3315
           2093 Plevna Road South, Plevna, Mont. ................................. 406-778-3819     Red River Inn ...........................................................................406-778-3321
                                                               Miles City, Mont.
        CATTLE VIEWING:                                           Sleep Inn & Suites ....................................................................406-232-3000
           The bulls can be viewed at Bruce and Eric Bowman’s feedlot 1 mile south of      Miles City Inn & Suites .............................................................866-599-6674
           Rhame, N.D., until March 12th. After this time the bulls will be at the ranch.
        SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET                                        The terms of the sale are cash. All settlements will be made with clerks of
           Supplemental sheet with updated carcass EPDs, scrotal measurements and   the sale immediately following the conclusion of the sale and before any
           frame scores will be available online a few days before the sale and on sale   cattle will be released. We will follow the Terms and Conditions set forth
           day.                                                   by the Red Angus Association of America. Announcements made by seller
        SALE VIDEO                                                on sale day take precedence over any statements printed in this catalog or
           The video of the sale cattle will be available to view by March 1, 2025 at
  or If you don’t have high   DELIVERY
           speed internet or are unable to view the video over the internet, contact us      We will provide delivery up to 500 miles. Over 500 miles we will work with
           for a DVD on the sale cattle.                          the buyer to make arrangements on delivery. A $100 credit per bull will be
                                                                  applied to the purchase price of the bull if the new owner picks up the
        SALE FORMAT:                                              bull(s) on the day of the sale. Delivery of the bulls will start the week after
           Once again we will be offering the bulls through a rancher’s auction. We will   the sale.
           have an auctioneer that will auction the sale in a relaxed atmosphere. Each
           interested buyer will be able to bid on the bull of their choice with low pres-  BULL HEALTH PROGRAM
           sure and the ability to be comfortable.                The bulls received Vision 7 at branding, preconditioned in August with
                                                                  Bovishield Gold One Shot and Vision 7 Somnus. The bulls were boostered
           Online bidding will take place on DVAuction. Go to   with Bovishield Gold in September. They received a Fusogard injection in
                                                                  December and a booster in January. Bulls were given a shot of Valcor in
        PHONE ORDERS                                              November, poured with Clean-Up II in December, poured with Inihibidor in
           Buyers unable to attend the sale may call or send their bids to the owners,   January and Clean-Up II in February. Semen evaluations were performed by
           Bruce or Tena Ketchum. If you would like to discuss the sale offering, call   Fallon County Vet Service prior to the sale and all the evaluation forms will
           us and describe your needs and budget and we can select your genetics   be available sale day. Bulls that do not pass the semen evaluation will be
           for you. We can bid on the animal for you and you pay only the bid price   available for sale after they have a satisfactory evaluation.
           established by the auction. Bids are handled in confidence on all orders. If
           there are several people needing to use this method for the sale we will set   BULL DEVELOPMENT
           up a conference call for you to call into during the sale. Please call a few      The bulls are fed on a ration to develop them into sound functional use-
           days in advance if this is needed so that we may set this up and get you the   able bulls that will work in every environment. The ration consists of
           necessary phone number and information ahead of sale time.  rolled corn (6.25 lbs. average), corn silage 14 lbs., dry distiller’s (3.0
        SALE CONTACTS:                                            lbs.), and the balance of chopped hay that consists of ground grass,
                                                                  alfalfa, and barley hay, along with a vitamin/mineral supplement. This
        Milk Creek Reds                                           ration is developed to use 1% of the feed base being grain to reach
           Bruce and Tena Ketchum .............................................406-778-3819 (Home)  our goal of 2.5 lbs. gain. They have been developed at Eric and An-
                                               406-978-3819 (Cell)  drea Bowman’s feedlot which is located 1 mile south of Rhame, ND.
        Auctioneer: Scott Weishaar ............................................................701-872-5299
        Videos: DVAuction .........................................................................406-978-2124
        DV Auction: Jay Rost .....................................................................406-978-2124  SEMEN INTEREST
        AIR TRANSPORTATION                                        Milk Creek Reds is retaining one-half revenue-sharing semen interest in all
                                                                  bulls in the sale. The retained semen interest by Milk Creek Reds allows us
           Billings, Mont. .................................................................................230 miles  to collect semen, use semen on the bull in our herd, as well as share in se-
           Rapid City, S.D. ...............................................................................190 Miles  men revenue if the bull would develop interest to be used in other herds or
           Bismarck, N.D. ................................................................................230 miles  semen marketing companies. Any semen collection would be at the buyer’s
                                                                  convenience in the off-season use. Full possession and full salvage value
        LIABILITY                                                 sells on all bulls in this sale.
           All persons who attend the sale or view the cattle do so at their own risk.
           The owners assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents that   CATALOG & PROMOTION:
           occur on the sale or viewing premises.                 Cow Camp Promotions ................................
                                                                  A big thanks to Tracey and her crew!
        Catalog and video online at                                    Milk Creek Reds Bull Sale – 1
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