Page 2 - Dahl Land & Cattle LLC 2017-46th Annual Production Sale, Red Angus, South Devon
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                                                                             Dan – (701) 424-3726
                                                                             Jeff – (701) 485-3762
                                                                              JD – (701) 485-3766
                                                                             Jack – (701) 485-3206
                                                      J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J
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        Fellow Cattlemen & Women,                              That cross is called Poundmaker by the South Devon Association and
                                                               produces the following: • Reliability • Proven feed effi ciency • Excellent
        Welcome to our 46th Annual Sale!
                                                               beef consumer demand • Mothering ability • Increased weight • Great
        There are three important factors that keep most of us in the cattle busi-  disposition • More beef • Less grief • Profi t with more heterosis.
        ness. They are PRIDE, PROFIT and, for some, it is A WAY OF LIFE.
                                                               Sale cattle bunk management:
        PRIDE goes from self-respect to developing a very attractive herd of cat-  Our ingredients for the bulls’ and heifers’ rations were ground hay
        tle. Self-respect involves a person’s whole life and is largely determined   (alfalfa, grass and oat/pea), modifi ed wet distillers, corn and a mineral
        by God, birthplace, family and luck. An attractive cowherd is determined   supplement. Our goal of the ration for the bulls this year was for a
        by one’s knowledge of feeding or genetics or both. A successful cattle-  3.0-pound-per-day gain. They were started on a 46 MCal ration and
        man will have both PRIDE and self-respect.             gradually increased to a 54 MCal ration for the last 45 days. Heifers were

        PROFIT is necessary to have both pride and self-respect, and can be dif-  fed a 40 MCal ration that was increased to 48 MCal the last 45 days for
        fi cult to attain. For some, it is the only reason to be in the business.  an ADG of 2.5 pounds per day.

        A WAY OF LIFE or a love of being a cowboy – cowgirl or cowman – is   Due to the severe weather and other circumstances we did not do a Feed
        the main element of staying in the business through both the good   Test on the bulls this year. As was mentioned the goal for ADG on the
        times and bad times. At the Dahl Ranch, we feel that we have been fairly   bulls was 3 pounds per day and that is right where they came in. The
        successful in the cattle business. It is a way of life that has been profi t-  goal on the heifers was 2.5 pounds per day. They gained 2.8.
        able enough for four families to have pride in what we do.  It is our hope that you fi nd the cattle offered at our sale to be to your lik-

        We were a commercial operation the fi rst 20 years of being a family   ing. We stand behind our cattle and want you to feel assured that if you
        partnership. After using fi ve breeds (Hereford, Salers, Black Angus,   have any problems you can call and we will do all we can to help.
        Red Angus and both Red and Black South Devon) and using them long   We sincerely invite you to join us on May 2nd.
        enough to learn both the good and bad aspects of each, we have found        Sincerely,
        that the most reliable and profi table cross is the Angus x South Devon.
                                                                                    The Dahls

             Bull Cr                               Yearling Bull Data                Calving-Ease Code
             Bull Creditedit
                                               •  81 lbs. – Avg. Actual BW          1  Use only on cows
              If you purchased females         •  713 lbs. – Avg. Adj. 205 Wt.      2  Use on cows & heifers with a known
                                                                                      birth weight and calving-ease history
              from us in 2016, you can         • 1123 lbs. – Avg. Adj. 365 Wt.
                                                                                    3  Use on heifers and all cows
            receive a $100 credit towards        45% of the yearling sale
                  the purchase of a              bulls are considered              Our recommendations are based on our cow
                                                                                   female histories for birth weights and calving
            Dahl Land & Cattle LLP bull.        calving-ease bulls.                ease. Also, with aid from EPDs based on our
                                                                                   reference sires and the individual animal.
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