Page 48 - Red Hill Farms Black and Red Angus and SimGenetics Bulls – March 17, 2018
P. 48

Choose Wisely
                                   By Dr. Tom Field

        For the commercial cow-calf producer the two   However, even before contact is made with
        most important professional relationships   a seedstock producer, the cow-calf manager
        are with the seedstock supplier and the herd   must assess their own conditions, level of
        veterinarian. Genetics provides a foundation   herd performance in critically important areas,
        upon which the future of the enterprise will   and solidify their goals and objectives for the
        stand. The most infl uential genetic decisions   beef enterprise. Bull buyers who are making
        made by a cow-calf producer who produces   choices from an information rich perspective
        their own replacement heifers are the three   are more prepared to build a solid work-
        most recent generations of herd sires. These   ing relationship with a seedstock supplier.
        bulls account for approximately 75 percent   Determining the mating system is another
        of the calf crop’s genetic makeup in terms of   key decision that should be determined by
        their direct infl uence as sires of calves and as   the cow-calf producer using knowledge about
        the sires of the cowherd. Given the tremen-  their own enterprise as well as leveraging the
        dous infl uence of the bull battery, the sire   experience of other producers as well as the
        acquisition process takes on a special level of   genetics supplier. The mating system as well
        signifi cance and thus, the relationship with the   as the sires selected to work within the mating
        genetic supplier becomes highly important.  system requires that commercial producers
                                          carefully assess four critical areas:
        One of my mentors in the cattle business
        believed that before a decision was made on   1.  Feed resources and environmental
        which bulls to purchase, cattle producers   limits
        should visit the potential seedstock suppliers   2. Labor resources
        business at least twice – initially to check
        out the supplier and secondly to evaluate the   3.  Marketing goals and objectives
        cattle. The concept was founded on a com-
        mitment to only buying seedstock from herds   4.  Gaps between present and desired
        managed under a similar philosophy and with   levels of performance in traits critical to
        comparable weather, forage and climatic con-  profi tability
        ditions to the purchaser’s situation. His belief   Once these issues have been addressed in
        was that if the people were solid, then you   detail then a meaningful discussion can be
        could more confi dently do business safe in the  undertaken with potential seedstock suppliers.
        knowledge that they were creating good cattle   A long term and valued relationship with a
        and that they would stand behind them.  seedstock supplier(s) begins with business
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