Page 52 - Red Hill Farms Black and Red Angus and SimGenetics Bulls – March 17, 2018
P. 52

2018 – Red Hill Farms                      Red Angus Reference Sires
                REDHILL 84S JULIAN 215C     RED HILL B571 JULIAN 84S
                                            REDHILL T189 BARMAID 190W
           100%  1A     #3521866         TATTOO: 215C 1BWJ   CALVED: 9/4/15
           HB   GM CED BW   WW  YW  MILK  ME  HPG  CEM  STAY  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
          189  50 15  -4.3  54 78  24   -7  18   0   17  0.31  -0.10  10  0.42  0.02
          1%  47% 2% 12%  62%  73%  14%  7%  1%  97%   1%   67%  12%  81%  9%   76%
                REDHILL 84S JULIAN 220C     RED HILL B571 JULIAN 84S
                                            REDHILL T189 BARMAID 190W
           100%  1A     # 3521870        TATTOO: 220C 1BWJ   CALVED: 9/6/15
           HB   GM CED BW   WW  YW  MILK  ME  HPG  CEM  STAY  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
          186  50 15  -4.3  56 83  24   -7  18   0   16  0.19  -0.12  13  0.45  0.01
          2% 45% 2% 12%  54% 64% 11%  7%  1%  95%  1%  88%  9%  74% 8%  60%
        Owned with Rogers and Holman (NC). SEMEN AVAILABLE
                REDHILL 84S JULIAN 231C     RED HILL B571 JULIAN 84S
                                            REDHILL T189 BARMAID 190W
           100%  1A     # 3521881        TATTOO: 231C 1BWJ   CALVED: 9/8/15
           HB   GM CED BW   WW  YW  MILK  ME  HPG  CEM  STAY  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
          185  52 16  -5.1  58 88  26   -7  17   -1   15  0.43  -0.16  15  0.60  0.01
          2% 14% 1%  6%  47% 53% 5%  7%  2%  98%  3%  42%  6%  69% 2%  62%
        Owned with Hubble (KY). SEMEN AVAILABLE

        215C, 220C and 231C are 3 fl ush brothers from the best fl ush ever at Red Hill – seven fl ushmate heifers are
        being retained. The problem-free phenotype of these bulls and heifers along with their superior performance
        and genetic values led us to call this 84S x Nice’n Easy mating the “Royal Cross” of the Red Hill program. The
        dam, 190W, does everything right – fertility, adaptability, disposition and udder quality along with fantastic
        rib shape and body volume which makes her a very easy-fl eshing cow. These bulls are linebred to our great
        Beckton cow, M554. These bulls represent the Red Hill program from the standpoint of disposition, sound-
        ness of feet and legs, body volume and slick hair. There are fall 2017 calves sired by 215C and 220C as well
        as spring 2018 calves by all 3 bulls. These are truly calving ease bulls, and the calves show excellent vigor at

                                             REDHILL 84S
                                             REDHILL 84S
                                             JULIAN 215C
                                             JULIAN 215C

                          REDHILL 84S
                          REDHILL 84S
                          JULIAN 220C
                          JULIAN 220C
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