Page 49 - Red Hill Farms Black and Red Angus and SimGenetics Bulls – March 17, 2018
P. 49

integrity, a commitment to providing solutions   2.  Will replacement females be kept from
        to customers, conversations founded on   the progeny – if yes, then what is the
        meaningful information, and service after   appropriate level of mature size and milk
        the sale.  As these discussions are undertak-  production for the particular farm or ranch?
        en, two concepts should always be kept in   Attaining profi table levels of reproductive
        mind – fi rst, the novice bull buyer deserves   performance depends on the keeping the
        an attentive supplier who is willing to provide   nutritional needs of the herd aligned with
        education, answer questions, and most of   cost effective feed sources which are often
        importantly follow up after the sale. Secondly,   in the form of grazable forages.
        there is a dramatic difference between the
        supplier whose sole goal is to sell a bull and   3.  What is the optimal combination of
                                            growth, muscularity, marbling and carcass
        the supplier focused on solving problems for
        a customer.                         yield for the target market? Producing
                                            feeder calves that can be merchandised to
        Sire selection should be founded on making   generate high levels of revenue is funda-
        the most objective decision possible that is   mental to profi tability.
        aligned with the overall strategy and vision for
        the cow-calf enterprise. Thus, it is essential to   4.  Finally, what are the gaps in perfor-
                                            mance for the herd that need to be closed
        acquire bulls only from those herds with an
        active engagement in a performance program   to improve productivity, profi tability and
                                            quality of life? For example, if cattle are
        backed by a dynamic national data base
        and supported with state of the art genetic   fl ighty and nervous in handling situation
                                            then more focus on docility is warranted.
        prediction tools. It is not important that a
        cow-calf producer understand the intricacies   If udders are badly structured leading to
                                            calves unable to suckle and thus requiring
        of how genetic estimates are calculated but
        developing a solid functional understanding of   more labor, then udder quality will need to
                                            be addressed.
        how to use the estimates and information is
        critical. The role of the seedstock supplier is to  In each of these discussions, the reputable
        provide educational and consulting support to   seedstock breeder will provide information,
        assure the comfort level of the customer.  insight and advice. Using their experience and
                                          knowledge is critical to building a genetic base
        The sire selection process is one driven by
        winnowing down the available bulls for sale   designed for long term satisfaction from the
                                          cow-calf enterprise.
        into a group of individuals that possess the
        appropriate combination of performance
        metrics that align with the limitations of the
        resources available on the ranch and assure
        conformance to the demands of the target
        market for progeny. This narrowing down pro-
        cess can be driven by several key focal points:
          1.  Avoid sires that create dystocia. Calving
          diffi culty is a leading cause of both calf and
          breeding female death loss, contributes
          to increased morbidity of calves born in
          diffi cult births, and diminishing subsequent
          reproductive rates of females experiencing
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