Page 13 - Green Mountain Red Angus Annual Bull Production Sale – March 16, 2021
P. 13

Yearling Bulls
        GREEN MOUNT                                                                       Yearling Bulls
                                                                        Cartel will set the tone for your future calf crop prices! Look
                                                                        for moderate BW calves that take performance to the top level.
                                                                        Pounds pay, and he will ensure your bottom line. His WR is
                                                                        tied for #2 in the offering and his YR is tied for #4, with an ADG
                                                                        ratio of 109 and the #3 WDA ratio of 115. He will provide you
                                                                        with pounds whether you are selling at weaning or retaining
                                                                        through yearling. Want to keep replacements? No problem. His
                                                                        dam has a 108 MPPA in the top 4% of the herd, out of a strong
                                                                        maternal pedigree posting generations of MPPA’s of 100 or
                                                                        higher. All but 5 numbers are in the top half of the breed, with
                                                                        over 1/3rd in single digit percentiles. Standouts are ERTs of
                                                                        ProS, HB, WW, YW, ADG, ST and MB. His HB is tied for #4 in
                                                                        the offering. A beautiful phenotype with extra thickness stands
                                                                        atop an excellent set of feet and legs.

                                                               Lot 9

         9       GMRA CARTEL 0298H
                            Reg. #
                 Birth Date:
                   2/11/20  4293321    100%  1A
        3SCC DOMAIN A163     | BKT LARKABEL R038 WA  WW/Ratio  642  119
          3SCC EUCLA X723     BASIN HOBO 0545  YW/Ratio  1182  114   ProS  HB  GM
                             | BSKF EUCLA U278                  163 114  49
          GMRA TESLA 6214     GMRA TRILOGY 0226  IMF/REA  3.12  12.1   2%  1%  28%
        GMRA MESA MAID 837F  | GMRA ANGIE ROSE 448  Scrotal  35.0   CED  BW  WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
          GMRA MESA MAID 606  |  BIEBER FAF ROLLIN DEEP B627    13 -0.7  76  124  0.30  2.07  27  6  11  7  21 0.66  0.21  26 0.17  0.08
                              GMRA MESA MAID 4109
                                                                35% 71% 5% 5%  6%  96%  28% 87% 44% 49% 1%  7%  99%  26%  32%  99%

                                                                        I think this bull didn’t comb his hair for picture day so he got
                                                                        thrown back in general population. He is an absolutely beauti-
                                                                        ful dark red with extra length, capacity and thickness. He has
                                                                        outstanding feet and legs and moves out with a very natural,
                                                                        smooth stride. The phenotype is complemented by the personal
                                                                        power. Top ranking growth ratios give him the #2 WR with the
                                                                        #1 adjusted 205-day weight of all GMRA bulls. His adjusted
                                                                        yearling weight ranks at #1, giving him the #2 YR. ADG and
                                                                        WDA ratios are both 118 and sit at #1 of all bulls on test. His
                                                                        REA scan resulted in the #5 actual and adjusted REA’s and the
                                                                        #3 REA ratio of 119. All of this performance slides right into a
                                                                        very complete set of EPDs that confi rm the performance. WW,
                                                                        YW and ADG are all in the top 1% of the breed with WW tied
                                                                        for the 5th best in the class, YW tied for #4 and ADG tied for #2.
                                                                        Marb, CW and REA all sit in the top 16% or higher and verify
                                                                        a GM in the top 5%. Now let’s look at maternal power. His dam
                                                                        posts a 105 MPPA on 5, following in the footsteps of in impres-
                                                                        sive lineage that features an MPPA of 112 and never shows an
                                                                        MPPA below 101 for nearly 40 years.

         10      GMRA CALVIN 0259H
                 Birth Date:
                            Reg. #
                   1/24/20  4293235    100%  1A
          GMRA TRILOGY 0226   MESSMER PACKER S008  BW   97     QUALIFIED
        GMRA TESLA 6214      | GMRA LAKOTA 625  WW/Ratio  687  119
          GMRA ANGIE ROSE 448  GMRA PEACEMAKER 1216  YW/Ratio  1298  118   ProS  HB  GM
                             | GMRA ANGIE ROSE 967
                                              IMF/REA  3.37  14.7   150  80  70
                              BECKTON EPIC K F075
          BECKTON EPIC R397 K  | BECKTON KIT F468 JL            7%  46%  5%
        GMRA LAKOTA 478                       Scrotal  38.5     CED  BW  WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
          GMRA LAKOTA 106    |  LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27        8  0.9  85  146  0.38  1.99  31  9  9  7  16 0.57  0.19  41 0.33  0.07
                              GMRA LAKOTA 625
                                                                94%  92% 1%  1%   1%   94%   8% 98%  80%  45%  48%  16%   98%   3%   10%   99%
        The entire GMRA herd has undergone GGP-LD testing and have genomically enhanced EPDs and parent verifi cation.  Green Mountain Red Angus – 11
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