Page 8 - Hanging H Ranch Annual Bull Sale – Feb. 1, 2025
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Bulls                                                                  HANGING H RANCH

                                                                 18      3/4 SM 1/4 AR  BW:   205-Day Wt:      Dam’s Age   ASA #

                                                                           5/10/23   88   682            3    4457194
                                                                CE  BW  WW  YW  ADG  MCE  MK  MW  ST  DOC  CW  YG  MARB   BF  REA   API   TI
                                                                7.5  2.9  86.2  137.6 0.32  1.7  23.4  66.4  13.8  13.2 41.7  -0.30  0.10  -0.056  0.92  109.9  76.3
                                                                       TRAX`S BULL DOG G49   RFS BULLETPROOF B42
                                                                                             MISS TRAXS B479
                                                                       H129                  HNGH 90 PROOF

                                Lot 18
         Lot 18 is a really eye-appealing, high-performance bull who is
         square-made with extra depth of body that carries well through
         his flank. He’s been a pen favorite and always stood out during
         pasture checks this summer. His dam, sired by HNGH Proof
         F101 (a TNT 90 Proof Z401 son), was out of a bull we used as                   Lot 18 this summer
         a yearling and later sold to repeat buyer Jordan Jenner. Proof   Dam to Lot 18
         F101 has sired some of the best cows in our herd—moder-
         ate, easy-keeping females with good feet and beautiful udder
         structure. They consistently breed back first-cycle AI. This is a
         high-performance bull with strong maternal traits! The TRAX
         Bull Dog G49 sons were very popular in our 2024 sale, where
         three sons averaged $11,250.

                                                                Another HNGH Proof F101 daughter with a TRAX
                                                                Red River E84 daughter from this past summer

                                                                 20      3/4 SM 1/4 AR  BW:   205-Day Wt:      Dam’s Age   ASA #

                                                                           5/10/23   88   793           7     4457191
                                                                CE  BW  WW  YW  ADG  MCE  MK  MW  ST  DOC  CW  YG  MARB   BF  REA   API   TI
                                                                10.6 2.3  90.5  146.3 0.35  6.4  20.6  65.8  12.7  11.9 35.2  -0.27  0.05  -0.060  0.70  112.0  78.6
                                                                       TRAX RED RIVER E84    TNT WHISKY RIVER B298
                                                                                             MISS TRAXS B479
                                                                                             TNT BOOTLEGGER Z268

                                Lot 20
         Lot 20 is a bull that will be hard to miss in the pen—he’s been
         consistent since day one! He’s a super long-bodied bull with a
         dark cherry red color and a quiet disposition. He comes from
         a highly reliable producer sired by TNT Bootlegger Z268. Lot
         20 ranks in the top 10% of the breed for both WW and YW.
         TRAX Red River E84 sons have been the most popular and   Dam to Lot 20  Full brother to Lot 20 that sold to Darin
         highest-averaging sire group over the past few years. While                  Hoger in our 2023 sale
         we only have a few sons in this year’s offering, we’ll have more
         next year, as we AI’d another large group of cows to Red River
         this past summer.
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