Page 4 - Southern Reds Spring Red Angus Bull Sale – April 22, 2022
P. 4

Sale Information                                Southern Reds

        INTERNET BIDDING                  AUCTION FORMAT
          We offer internet bidding through www.  We are conducting a “Cowboy-Style
 Buyers will need to have   Auction” to increase transparency and
          access to high-speed internet during the   decrease stress in our sale. Cattle will
          sale and must create an account and ap-  sell in catalog order and each lot has a
          ply for bidding 24 hours prior to the sale.   base price listed in the catalog. When
          For general questions, please contact   we announce the lot number to sell, all
          their office at 402-316-5460 or email at   interested buyers at the base price must
            raise their card. If there are multiple
                                            numbers in the air, we will raise the price
                                            steadily until only one number remains.
                                            If there is a tie between two on-site bid-
        VETERINARIAN                        ders where both drop out at the same,
          Brant Carpenter, DVM .......940-825-8509  the lowest bidder number gets the bid
          Carpenter Veterinary Clinic       and the opposing bidder may raise the
        BREEDING SOUNDNESS GUARANTEE        bid by $250 to keep the auction going. If
          All bulls must pass a Breeding Sound-  there is a tie between an on-site bidder
          ness Exam (BSE) prior to the sale.   and an internet bidder, the on-site bid-
          Each bull will also be test negative for   der gets the bid and the internet bidder
          TRICHOMONIASIS (TRICH) and BVD PI   has the option to raise the price by $250
          prior to the sale to make them eligible   to keep the auction going.
          for transport out of the state of Texas.   DATA PROVIDED
          Each bull is guaranteed to be a satis-  • Videos – These will be on www.dvauc-
          factory breeder for the first breeding under our sale. We will also
          season, so long as the buyer provides   place a link on our Facebook page.
          adequate nutrition and management.   • Basic EPDs
          The buyer assumes all risks of injury due   • True Birth Weights and Weaning
          to management with other bulls and   Weights. We do not adjust because
          herds being independent of the genetic   we believe each cow should get full
          and physical ability of the bull. In the   responsibility for what comes into the
          event a bull is questioned for breeding   weaning pen. Earlier born calves mean
          soundness, the buyer must contact   more profit.
          Southern Reds as soon as the condition   • Frame Scores
          is observed. Southern Reds reserves the   • Dam Ages
          right to request a veterinary inspection   • Scrotal Measurements – These will
          by a vet of our choice. If the guarantee   be in Supplements additional to the
          applies, Southern Reds agrees to find   catalog
          a suitable replacement bull or credit to   • Carcass Ultrasound – Ultrasound data
          a future sale in the amount of the full   was collected by technician Clay Nash
          purchase price minus salvage value of   on 3/21/22. Please compare bulls with-
          the original bull.                 in each age group.
                                            • Please reach out for additional
                                             information on bulls – we choose not
                 Follow us at                to overwhelm with sorting informa-
                                             tion – we believe each bull in this
               SOUTHERN RED CATTLE           sale is representative of our breeding

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